Agenda - 12-16-1997 - 10e
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 12-16-1997
Agenda - 12-16-1997 - 10e
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9/3/2013 11:59:09 AM
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Report on the Teen Court Pre--v <br /> 12 <br /> clerks, and bailiffs receive subsequent training of ten hours or more. The training sessions are <br /> conducted by local educators, volunteer attorneys, and court employees. The training includes <br /> issues such as courtroom procedure, basic legal concepts, mediation, and public speaking. <br /> Thus far, 84 students have been trained as jurors. Of these, about 30 have also been trained as <br /> attorneys, and 14 have been trained to serve in the bailiff and clerk roles. <br /> Teen Court Sessions <br /> Cumberland County. Teen Court sessions are held every other Monday night. -From <br /> October 26, 1993, to January 30, 1995, there have been 27 sessions of Teen Court. The <br /> hearings are generally held from 6:30-8:30 p.m., although Teen Court staff, student <br /> volunteers, and offenders arrive early to prepare. From October 1993 through March 1994, <br /> two courtrooms operated during each session, and since April 1994, three courtrooms have <br /> operated during each session. Currently, four cases per courtroom -- twelve cases total -- are <br /> heard during each session of Teen Court. On average, each case involves about 15 minutes of <br /> in-court case presentation time, about 10 minutes of deliberation by the jury, and another 10 <br /> minutes or so of in-court time when the sentence is delivered and the judge discusses the result, <br /> with the juvenile. Each courtroom has two juries hearing alternate cases. The calendar <br /> process for each courtroom involves rotation of cases in the following manner until all cases <br /> are heard: (1) presentation of the first case; (2) the jury on the first case retires to deliberate; <br /> (3) while the first jury deliberates, the next case scheduled for that courtroom is heard; (4) the <br /> jury for the second case retires to deliberate; and (5) while the second jury deliberates, the <br /> constructive sentence verdict for the first case is presented. <br /> Buncombe County. Teen Court sessions are generally held every other Thursday <br /> evening from 5:30-7:00 p.m. From July 1994 through January 1995, five sessions have been <br /> held, with the January 12, 1995, session being the first in which the new Teen Court <br /> Coordinator was involved. Hearings generally take about 30 minutes, including deliberation <br /> time of about 10 minutes. One courtroom has been used for these sessions, and generally, <br /> four cases are heard per session. The calendar process is similar to that used in the <br /> Cumberland County program, with two juries hearing alternate cases. <br /> Durham County. Teen Court sessions are generally held the second Tuesday of each <br /> month from 6:30-8:00 p.m. So far, there have been two sessions (December 6, 1994, and <br /> January 10, 1995). Teen Court staff, student volunteers, and offenders arrive early to prepare. <br /> Hearings generally take about 30 minutes, including approximately 10 minutes of jury <br /> deliberation time. One courtroom has been used for these sessions, and the calendar process is <br /> similar to that used in the Cumberland and Buncombe programs. <br />
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