Orange County NC Website
3 <br /> financial considerations would, however, bear on the tools which would be available <br /> to address any adverse condition. The decision to allow or prohibit the use of any <br /> particular means of or tool for rectifying any particular "adverse public health <br /> condition" would ultimately remain- through zoning regulations -with the <br /> governmental entity or entities having zoning jurisdiction over the area where the <br /> adverse condition was located. <br /> RECOMMENDATION: The Administration recommends that the BOCC: <br /> 1) approve the use of the proposed designation of and definition for"adverse <br /> public health condition" in lieu of the terms of and definitions of "public <br /> health emergency" or"imminent hazard" in the Water and Sewer Policy and <br /> all other policies and regulations related to the extension of water and sewer <br /> utilities; <br /> 2) recommend to the Orange County Board of Health that the term, <br /> definition, etc., related to the"adverse public health condition" be <br /> incorporated into local health regulation and policy; <br /> 3) indicate to the Water and Sewer Boundary Task Force that the term, <br /> definition, etc., related to the"adverse public health condition" should be <br /> incorporated into its recommendations as to water and sewer extension . <br /> policy; <br /> 4) officially signify its intent to apply its zoning authority to guide the use of <br /> various tools and strategies for addressing"adverse public health conditions" <br /> within its zoning jurisdictions; and <br /> 5) direct staff to bring forward a report outlining the discrepancies within <br /> County zoning ordinance and policies for a Board decision on how those <br /> discrepancies are to be eliminated. <br />