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10 <br /> Agriculture. The land has been continuously farmed throughout the nineteenth and <br /> twentieth centuries and existing field patterns in the area deviate little from those evident <br /> during the early to mid-twentieth century. These continuing patterns of cultivation are <br /> testimony to the prevalence of farming over the course of the community's development. <br /> Social History. Cedar Grove's physical development represents an era in North Carolina's <br /> history that virtually disappeared after the advent of the automobile and the construction of <br /> the interstate highway system. <br /> Ethnic Heritage. Cedar Grove was a mecca for African-American string band musicians <br /> and the square dances they accompanied between the years of 1930 and 1947. <br /> Criterion C of the National Register evaluation process states that the "property embodies <br /> the distinctive characteristics of a type,period, or method of construction or represents the <br /> work of a master, or possesses high artistic values, or represents a significant and <br /> distinguishable entity whose components lack individual distinction." Significant under <br /> Criterion C in the area of Architecture, the community's enduring vitality is exhibited in a <br /> notable and varietal collection of late nineteenth and early-twentieth century residential and <br /> commercial buildings which provide the visual framework for a community that has <br /> remained virtually free of modern intrusions. A sense of continuity is lent in that many <br /> descendants of Cedar Grove's early founders reside in the community today and maintain <br /> substantial family homeplaces. <br /> Mr. Allison thanked Kaye Graybeal and Linda Edmisten and the citziens of Cedar Grove <br /> for the care they've taken for the district. <br /> AGENDA ITEM 46: ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION <br /> a. Final Recommendation on the National Register nomination of the Cedar Grove <br /> Rural Crossroads Historic District <br /> MOTION: Rich moved to recommend that the Cedar Grove Rural Crossroads <br /> Historic District be forwarded to the National Register Advisory Committee. <br /> Motion seconded by Satterfield. <br /> VOTE: Unanimous. <br /> b. FY1998-99 Historic Preservation Goals of the Board of County Commissioners <br /> c. 1998 CLG Grant Application <br /> The Commission discussed the goals statement that was included in the agenda materials. <br /> The details of the manuscript publication were discussed. Funding for local designations <br /> was also discussed. Some concerns were expressed about the viability of a proposed <br /> historic district for The Oaks. There was a consensus among the Commission to re-apply <br /> for a CLG grant for the St. Mary's Road Corridor. <br /> 3 <br /> Attachment (3) <br />