Orange County NC Website
11 <br />Since adoption, several Eno EDD Small Area Plan recommendations have been <br />implemented including: <br />1. Land Use Plan Map amendments designating the development potential <br />categories of the Eno EDD (which was included in the 2008 Comprehensive <br />Plan, and amended through September, 2012), <br />2. The `pre- zoning' of land to promote the economic development land use program <br />(current zoning adopted in September, 2012), <br />3. Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) amendments for the creation and <br />regulation of uses and development standards for the Eno EDD (which was <br />included in the UDO adopted in 2011, and amended through January, 2013). <br />The purpose of these amendments was to more strongly encourage quality, <br />non - residential development in the EDD while balancing any adverse impacts to <br />adjacent properties and the environment, <br />4. Development of a long range Capital Improvement Program (CIP) for all <br />economic development zones, <br />5. The continued development of Orange County's Economic Development <br />program, <br />6. There has been progress with the Plan's water and sewer recommendations: <br />• An inter -local utility service agreement with the City of Durham was adopted <br />in January, 2012 to further the area's economic development potential, and <br />• A consultant (CDM Smith) is currently working on a preliminary engineering <br />study for a public water and sewer master plan for the area, <br />7. The County is working cooperatively with Triangle Transit Authority to plan for <br />options for a new bus services outlined in the Orange County Bus and Rail <br />Investment Plan, including a possible cross - county route through the Eno Study <br />Area, <br />8. Triangle Transit Authority has evaluated the best location for a future commuter <br />rail transit stop within the Eno EDD area, <br />9. Bike lanes approximately two -foot in width have been striped along Old NC 10; <br />10. The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) prepared a draft <br />concept plan for the re- design of the 1 -85 /US 70 interchange in 2009, and <br />11. Projects for the widening of 1 -85 from 1 -40 to the Durham County line, including <br />the re- design of the US 70 interchange, have been entered in the State's <br />Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) for implementation in the future <br />developmental program (post 2020); however, the State's new project <br />prioritization process (currently under development) may allow the project to be <br />funded sooner. <br />41 Page <br />