Orange County NC Website
27 <br />DRAFT <br />107 <br />108 Pete Hallenbeck: I understand you think this is political but if you do that and it goes to a public hearing, you have shown that <br />109 you have taken the time to listen to the public. Ultimately the decision is made by the BOCC but it is a good way to be <br />110 proactive. <br />111 <br />112 Perdita Holtz: Just for clarification, the decision is not made by the BOCC because it is a staff approval. <br />113 <br />114 Stephanie O'Rourke: Can you give me another scenario of what you would have to deal with? <br />115 <br />116 Michael Harvey: Orange County Department of Environment Parks Natural Agricultural does park planning. If they wish to <br />117 propose a park, they would be subject to these rules and regulations. <br />118 <br />119 Paul Guthrie: The County wants to designate a bicycle trail or a hiking trail covering a great deal of distance and many <br />120 owners. Under this language, would they have to reach out to every owner within 500 feet of that trail in order to satisfy this <br />121 ordinance? <br />122 <br />123 Michael Harvey: With respect to government uses, the land use category this would impact, you have government facilities <br />124 and office buildings so yes I could see a trail falling into that category but also I would say that development of such a trail <br />125 would be discussed in a public forum where the county would advertise .... <br />126 <br />127 Paul Guthrie: But not necessarily see a certified letter? <br />128 <br />129 Michael Harvey: Not necessarily but we have written in this code that if there is planning effort soliciting public comment or <br />130 involvement with the development of a plan, that satisfies this meeting requirement. If you any other questions or concerns, <br />131 please email me. <br />132 <br />133 <br />134 <br />135 AGENDA ITEM 3: ADJOURNMENT <br />136 <br />137 Meeting was adjourned by consensus <br />