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Article 9: Enforcement <br />Section 9.6: Penalties, Remedies, and Enforcement Powers <br />this Ordinance for failure to comply with the provisions of this Ordinance or the ms and <br />conditions of a permit or authorization granted under this Ordinance. <br />(B) Any permit, certificate, or authorization mistakenly issued in violation of ate law or local <br />rdinance, or issued on the basis of misrepresentations by the applic t, owner, or <br />o er's agent may be revoked without such written determinatio <br />9.6.3 Permit Denial oNonditioning <br />(A) <br />(B) <br />As long as a vNklation of this Ordinance remains uncor cted, the Planning Director may <br />deny or withhold royal of any permit, certificate r other authorization provided for in <br />this Ordinance that i ought for the property on hich the violation occurs. <br />The Planning Director mac <br />correction of the violation a <br />compliance security. <br />9.6.4 Injunctive and Abatement Relief in <br />condition Oermit, certificate, or authorization on the <br />payme of a civil penalty, and /or posting of a <br />urt <br />(A) A violation may be correc d by any appro N to equitable remedy, a mandatory or <br />prohibitory injunction, X an order of al -nentsQs authorized by NCGS 153A -123. <br />(B) The Planning Dir or shall have the authority to e %me order of abatement if the <br />violator does comply with such order, and the e execution shall be <br />recovered a lien on the property in the nature onic's or materialman 's lien. <br />9.6.5 Criminal Peroties <br />(A) ny person, firm or corporation who violates the provisions of this Or ance or fails to <br />comply with any of its requirements shall, upon conviction, be guilty of a lass 3 <br />misdemeanor and shall be fined not more than a maximum of $500.00, imp i onment of <br />up to 30 days, or both, for each violation, as provided in NCGS Section 14 -4. <br />(B) The Planning Director may refer a violation to the District Attorney for institution of <br />criminal prosecution of the alleged violator. <br />9.6.6 Stop Work Order <br />(A) If a building or structure is erected, constructed, reconstructed, altered, repaired, <br />converted, moved or maintained, or any building, structure or land is used in violation of a <br />Stop Work Order, the Planning Director, in addition to other remedies, may institute any <br />appropriate action or proceedings to prevent the unlawful erection, construction, <br />reconstruction, alteration, repair, conversion, moving, maintenance or use, to restrain, <br />correct or abate the violation, to prevent occupancy of the building, structure or lands, or <br />to prevent any illegal act, conduct, business or use in or about the premises. <br />(B) Notice of a Stop Work Order shall be in writing, directed to the person(s) conducting the <br />violating activity and /or the property owner, and shall state the reasons for the issuance <br />of the Order, and the conditions under which activity may be resumed. Notice shall be <br />given by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested. A copy of the notice shall <br />also be sent by regular mail. Service shall be deemed sufficient if the notice by certified <br />mail is unclaimed or refused, but the notice by regular mail is not returned by the post <br />office within ten days after mailing. Upon issuance of such Order, and posting of same <br />on the site of the violation, all work on the site of the violation shall cease, except those <br />activities necessary to bring the site into compliance with this Ordinance. <br />(C) The person(s) conducting the violating activity and /or the property owner may appeal the <br />Stop Work Order to the Board of Adjustment pursuant to Section 242.27 of this <br />Ordinance. <br />Orange County, North Carolina — Unified Development Ordinance Page 9 -6 <br />21 <br />