Orange County NC Website
A <br />To: Orange County Commissioners <br />From: Ronald Keizer, Owner <br />USA Dutch, Inc. <br />USA Dutch, Inc. is pleased to submit this rezoning request in an effort to address a problem with <br />the zoning at our property located at 3604 Southern Drive in Efland. <br />This property was developed for commercial /industrial use by Mr. Sim Efland sometime in the <br />19$0's or 1960's. We purchased the property in 1993 for the expansion of our metal fabrication <br />business. Our business focuses on making metal. parts that go into a variety of manufactured <br />products including electronics, woodworking equipment, ambulances, and more. We currently <br />have 26 employees working in our 13,000 square foot facility. <br />In March of 2013 we approached the County Planning Department for the purpose of <br />investigating a proposed expansion of our existing business. <br />We learned that our proposed expansion was not feasible given the size and orientation of our <br />property. We were also informed our property was split zoned, with the building zoned I -1 and <br />the land zoned R-1. <br />Though seemingly unusual, we were told by Planning staff that this is not a unique occurrence, <br />and that this situation apparently exists. throughout the County. Apparently, when most of the <br />County was initially zoned, only those portions of a property used in support of commercial/ <br />industrial activities were actually zoned as such. The remaining portion(s) of the property were <br />actually zoned for residential use. <br />Unfortunately for us our parking, septic, and required buffer areas are now located in a <br />residential zoning district. <br />County planning staff have assured us our operation is not in jeopardy of being forced to shut <br />down or cease due to the location of required parking/septic areas on a residentially zoned <br />portion of property. We have been informed, however, that maintenance of these areas will be <br />limited due to the residential zoning designation. <br />According to staff, residentially zoned property cannot be used to support industrially zoned <br />property or activities. As we understand the situation, we could experience difficulty in <br />expanding or making repairs to our septic system, for example, in support of our operation. This <br />of course is untenable, and we respectfully request a zoning change to correct the situation. <br />If approved the rezoning request would accomplish the following: <br />1. The entire parcel would be zoned I -l. <br />2. The existing parking and septic areas would be zoned consistent with the existing <br />manufacturing operation, thereby allowing them to be maintained for such purpose. <br />