Orange County NC Website
4 <br /> 1 Commissioner McKee made reference to the entrance on the east side where there was <br /> 2 water coming under the door after the rain. <br /> 3 Commissioner Price asked if the building was ok right now. <br /> 4 Jeff Thompson said the building needs upfitting. The business case is weak to invest in <br /> 5 the building at this time. <br /> 6 Chair Jacobs said the Blackwood Farm is also an option and these two projects are <br /> 7 intertwined. <br /> 8 Commissioner McKee asked if there were two HVAC systems in that building and it was <br /> 9 answered yes, there are multiple systems. All of the systems would not have to be replaced. <br /> 10 It was answered that the issue is the way the air is distributed. It is difficult to keep <br /> 11 everyone comfortable in this facility. <br /> 12 Jeff Thompson said in the February work session there was a discussion of space <br /> 13 planning with the Department of Environment, Agriculture, Parks and Recreation (DEAPR) <br /> 14 <br /> 15 Government Services Annex: <br /> 16 This has $350,000 for HVAC replacement in year 5. <br /> 17 Commissioner McKee asked if there was a plan for what to do with this building. <br /> 18 Frank Clifton said there have been discussions about this. There is a discussion soon <br /> 19 about space studies. He said it is probably time for another thorough analysis. <br /> 20 <br /> 21 Historic Rogers Road Neighborhood Community Center: <br /> 22 There was $650,000 appropriated this year and nothing else appropriated for the out <br /> 23 years. <br /> 24 <br /> 25 Viper Radio System: <br /> 26 The appropriations in the out years are for the towers over the next 5 years. <br /> 27 Frank Clifton said there is a study underway about the best location for the towers. <br /> 28 Commissioner McKee said for years Emergency Services has gotten the short end of <br /> 29 the funding stream, and the result of that was increased response time. He wants to make sure <br /> 30 Emergency Services stays ahead of the curve. <br /> 31 Commissioner Pelissier said she heard a presentation yesterday about the VIPER <br /> 32 system and asking the State to expand the system. She asked if the State allows the expansion <br /> 33 of the VI PER system, if this would allow the State to build towers. <br /> 34 Jim Groves said most of the activity would be in the western part of the State. <br /> 35 Commissioner Pelissier said they were told it was from the east to the west. <br /> 36 Frank Clifton suggested not waiting on the State for this. <br /> 37 <br /> 38 Communication System Improvements: <br /> 39 This was Attachment D. The Board approved Budget Amendment 8-A on March 19th for <br /> 40 the purchase of radios. Budget Amendment 8-B was also approved to purchase 11 P25 <br /> 41 compliant radios. <br /> 42 <br /> 43 Emergency Services Substations: <br /> 44 This is for 4 substations on County property. There is $875,000 in year 1, 3 and 5. <br /> 45 Commissioner McKee asked Jim Groves to speak to the Phelps Road Station. <br /> 46 Jim Groves said Medic 5 has been co-located with Orange Rural Station 3. It has been <br /> 47 a good fit. They will continue to work to find locations that will further reduce response times. <br /> 48 Commissioner McKee said Carrboro and Eno may also be interested in joint locations. <br /> 49 He thinks the Board of County Commissioners should send a clear message that this is an <br /> 50 opportunity for Orange County to realize a significant savings. He is content to leave the $50,000 <br />