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15 <br /> 1 Commissioner Gordon asked to see the last two slides from CHCCS. She noted that if <br /> 2 the middle school is moved back two years, while putting the science wing in, it improved the <br /> 3 scenario and debt service is now under the 15% level. She said the CIP is approved for 5 years <br /> 4 and funded for the first year, and this proposal improves the debt service picture for the 5 year <br /> 5 period. She re-visited the slide information showing this improvement in the debt service <br /> 6 picture when compared with the manager's original CIP recommendations. <br /> 7 Todd Lofriese said the last two slides provide a brief overview of history and some <br /> 8 information about the proposed science wing addition. He reviewed the information on the <br /> 9 PowerPoint slides as follows: <br /> 10 <br /> 11 Culbreth Science Wing <br /> 12 ■ Long standing need, on CIP since 2002 <br /> 13 - Existing labs lack water, space, windows, few hands on lessons, poor sequencing <br /> 14 ■ Unsuccessful QSCB application 2012 <br /> 15 ■ Cell tower revenue funded a single lab <br /> 16 ■ Design funded with 12-13 CIP funds <br /> 17 ■ BOE resolution requesting funding on Feb 7, 2013 <br /> 18 <br /> 19 Culbreth Science Labs <br /> 20 ■ 6 Room Science Lab Addition <br /> 21 ■ Addresses required code issues <br /> 22 - Bathrooms, electrical, fire alarm, emergency generator, etc. <br /> 23 ■ Provides small assembly space <br /> 24 ■ Likely increases building capacity by 104...a 2 year delay for MS #5 <br /> 25 <br /> 26 CHCCS Board Member Jamezetta Bedford asked for clarification on the Cedar Ridge <br /> 27 High School (CRHS) proposed wing, which is listed in 2015 on one CIP sheet and then as a <br /> 28 need in ten years on SAPFO. <br /> 29 Superintendent Rhodes said there are many sub-divisions coming on line; and OHS <br /> 30 capacity had been downgraded significantly, so there is a request for this to happen. <br /> 31 OCS Chair Coffey added that it was discovered that Hampton Pointe is not even on the <br /> 32 radar for capacity and CRHS is already over capacity and Orange High has been reassessed. <br /> 33 She said this will come sooner than originally thought and the district projections are standing. <br /> 34 Chair Jacobs reviewed the location of Hampton Pointe and noted that the new <br /> 35 apartment developments have not come online yet. <br /> 36 OCS Chair Coffey said the district has not seen the CAPS sheets for these new <br /> 37 developments. <br /> 38 Craig Benedict said SAPFO projections are based on the students who show up in <br /> 39 school as of November. He said there are five different models that project forward and are <br /> 40 averaged all together. He said as soon as children come to school, projections are affected. <br /> 41 He said that this means the wing for Cedar Ridge might be ten years out at one point, but it <br /> 42 may be moved forward as projections change when students show up for schools. <br /> 43 He said the models show there is not a need for new capacity in OCS schools, but that <br /> 44 could very well change with the new development. <br /> 45 Chair Jacobs asked about the $39 million for the new middle school and if this number <br /> 46 includes land. Several people answered no. <br /> 47 CHCCS Board Member Jamezetta Bedford asked if OCS has numbers that do not <br /> 48 include the addition of CRHS. <br />