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2 <br /> should be excluded, but information should be gathered to determine the current salary <br /> practices of our major vendors. <br /> 2. Should any local ordinance apply to companies receiving subsidies? <br /> Yes, specifically those companies participating in the County loan pool and water and <br /> sewer extension fund. <br /> 3. Which employees of contractors should be affected? Those working on <br /> Orange County projects should be included. It is recommended that special situations <br /> such as those participating for educational purposes be excluded (interns, co-op <br /> students for example). <br /> On a separate, but related issue, all Orange County employees full, part time and <br /> contract employees, should be covered. <br /> 4. What is the appropriate living wage for Orange County? $8/ per hour. <br /> 5. What are the next steps? After receiving Commissioner input, the Board <br /> should instruct the County Attorney to draft an ordinance, which would be available for <br /> public comment at the next quarterly public hearing. <br /> Following the public hearing staff will pull together a recommendation regarding the <br /> administration of the ordinance for the Boards review. The administrative <br /> recommendation will include a plan to educate vendors who may be subject to the <br /> provisions contained in the Ordinance. July 1, 1998 is the suggested effective date for <br /> the living wage ordinance. <br /> RECOMMENDATION: The Manager recommends that the Board provide direction <br /> regarding the specifics of the ordinance and direct the County Attorney to draft a living <br /> wage ordinance for Orange County. <br />