Orange County NC Website
U; 1 <br /> PROPOSED PLAN AMENDMENT <br /> PLAN: Land Use Element of the Orange County Comprehensive Plan <br /> REFERENCE: Section 2.6 County-Specific Road Classification System <br /> ORIGIN OF AMENDMENT: X Staff Planning Board <br /> X BOCC Public <br /> Other: <br /> Expected Public Hearing Date: November 24, 1997 <br /> Purpose of Amendment: To consider ordinance and Comprehensive Plan Amendments for the draft update to <br /> the road functional classifications of the Transportation Element of the Comprehensive Plan. <br /> Background: On June 4, 1997 staff presented to the Planning Board a process and schedule for updating the <br /> Transportation Element of the Comprehensive Plan; included in this was an update to the road functional <br /> classifications. An amendment to update the functional classifications is necessary because the maps in the <br /> Transportation Element to the Comprehensive Plan depict planned roads that are not planned anymore; some of <br /> the current functional classifications are not referenced by other adopted plans and ordinances; the existing <br /> classifications have been applied to every road in the county, making it difficult to clearly and quickly identify <br /> the most important roads; and the BOCC has directed that all references to the planned NC 751 Connector Road <br /> be deleted from all adopted plans in Orange County. <br /> As a part of the Functional Classification System update, the planned major thcroughfares adopted by Orange <br /> County municipalities (i.e., Hillsborough's Northside Drive\Western Bypass) which are outside of a <br /> municipality's land use planning jurisdiction will be presented for consideration and adoption by Orange <br /> County. In this way Orange County can classify the proposed thoroughfares and then protect the rights-of-way <br /> for those thoroughfares that are consistent with the County's Comprehensive Plaa. The update will also consist <br /> of deleting previously planned thoroughfares that are no longer planned (i.e., Davis Road, Durham Outer Loop, <br /> the old alignment for Eno Drive)as well as the NC 751 Connector. <br /> Adoption of the FY 1997-98 BOCC Goals and Objectives on August 7 has made it necessary to modify the <br /> schedule originally proposed to the Planning Board in June. On September 3, 1997 the draft Functional <br /> Classifications and Map were presented to the Planning Board for the first time. On September 24, 1997 the <br /> draft Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance Amendments were presented to the Ordinance Review Committee. All <br /> plan and ordinance amendments related to the functional classification of Orange County roads were presented <br /> to the Planning Board at their Long-Range Meeting on October 14, 1997. The da.te for taking these items to <br /> public hearing is November 24, 1997. <br /> Existing and proposed plan text: (header on each page identifies text proposed for removal/addition) <br /> Planning Board: 10-14-97 <br /> BOCC: <br />