Orange County NC Website
7 <br /> i • Use of Fund Balance - The Board could consider appropriating fund balance from either the <br /> General Fund,the County Capital Project Fund, or some combination. Undesignated fund <br /> balance in the General Fund as of June 30, 1997 is about$93 million. Use of fund balance is <br /> administratively easier and less expensive than borrowing money, and use of even $780.000 <br /> would still leave our fund balance in the General Fund well above our established goal of <br /> maintaining at least 8%undesignated fund balance. However, the County has not made it a <br /> practice to use General Fund money for capital projects, and there is not sufficient capital <br /> project fund balance to cover the amount needed. If the Board approves the recommendations <br /> on the November 19 agenda related to Emergency Generators, capital project fund balance can <br /> be increased by $220,000(because$300,000 was set aside for that project, and staff has <br /> developed a scaled-down project recommendation of$80,000). One other consideration in the <br /> possible use of fund balance is that with the failure of the public building bond, there may be a <br /> need to look at greater use of fund balance to accomplish the improvements that had been <br /> planned for the Whiffed and Northern Human Services. <br /> • Use of Fund Balance and Increased 1998-99 CIP Appropriation - The Board could appropriate <br /> some General Fund and/or capital project fund balance now, with the infusion of additional cash <br /> in July through a 1998-99 capital project ordinance to pay the balance of the construction <br /> contract. Pam Jones advises that it is likely that construction work will not be completed until <br /> early in the next fiscal year. <br /> There may be additional options that we have not yet thought of, so we will continue to investigate <br /> these and any other ideas that you may have on this matter. <br />