Orange County NC Website
Exhibit A—Scope of Services—Fiscal Year 2013-14 <br /> Orange County Outside Agency Performance Agreement Certification <br /> Funded Amount: $ 4,000 <br /> Agency: Historical Foundation of Hillsborough and Orange County <br /> Agency Mission: To enlighten and engage our community and visitors from around the world by preserving <br /> and interpreting the history of Hillsborough and Orange County. <br /> Program: Operation of the Orange County Historical Museum and its public education through <br /> exhibits, archives, and Heritage Education Programs <br /> Purpose: The Museum will provide learning opportunities to the community and visitors through the <br /> use of the Foundation's collection in exhibits and archives. In addition, the Museum will use <br /> the education collection, research and staff time to provide interactive history education <br /> opportunities to at least 2,500 children in Orange County. <br /> Outcomes: To reach and provide at least 8,200 visitors an educational opportunity through the use of <br /> the museum's exhibits and archives and to aide at least 25 researchers with their inquiries. <br /> To reach and provide at least 2,500 school age children an interactive learning experience <br /> and participate in at least 4 collaborative historic education opportunities with the Alliance <br /> for Historic Hillsborough and the Burwell School. <br /> Budget for Orange County Funding: <br /> Category Amount Expense Description <br /> Personnel $4,000 Salary for 0.65 FTE Executive Director to implement and achieve outcomes <br /> Certified b 3k~ --' Title: Date: �_T <br />