Orange County NC Website
Attachment E-4 <br /> Proposed Department Based Employee Incentive Awards <br /> 1. Purpose <br /> To encourage and-recognize employee cost saving, innovation, productivity/efficiency, customer <br /> service and response to special work challenges within the department. <br /> 2. Definitions <br /> Cost Savings <br /> Suggestions by a department employee affecting the department which are adopted and result in <br /> real continuing cost savings for the County <br /> Innovation/Productivity/Efficiency <br /> Suggestions by a department employee for new or different approaches within the department to <br /> addressing service needs which result in significant enhancement of customer service or increased <br /> productivity or efficiency(that is, the accomplishment of more work with existing resources or <br /> the same work with fewer resources) <br /> Customer Service <br /> The demonstration of exceptional service to customers which goes significantly beyond work <br /> expectations <br /> Special Work Challenge <br /> Completing an unusually demanding work assignment which arises outside of the normal scope <br /> of the employee's duties and responsibilities and requires exceptional skill and effort to <br /> accomplish. Examples: Bond education, Hurricane Fran relief and recovery <br /> 3. Awards <br /> An"Orange Buck"in amounts from$25 up to $200 which may be exchanged in the Finance <br /> Department for a gift certificate to an Orange County business. <br /> 4. Responsibility for Determining the Award <br /> The Department Head <br /> 5. Timing <br /> Could be granted"on the spot"to provide immediate employee recognition. <br /> 23 <br />