Orange County NC Website
7 <br /> Fund Balance Reserves and Designations -Attachment C <br /> As mentioned above, the Landfill has dedicated much of its available fund balance to pay <br /> for certain items in subsequent years. These details are contained on Attachment C. <br /> Funds held in reserve or designated will be used in future years to develop and construct <br /> an additional lined cell and to purchase capital equipment and make other capital <br /> improvements. Reserving funds in this manner will eliminate the need for excessive <br /> increases in tipping fees and/or the incurrence of debt to fund the major capital items <br /> mentioned. Over the next six years it is estimated that the funds reserved and designated <br /> annually will total approximately $13.2 million <br /> Conclusion <br /> The Landfill Fund is a financially sound, debt free operation. The funds reserved will <br /> pay for capital items needed in the future and eliminate the need for debt incurrance or <br /> significant increases in tip fees. In addition,this fund is audited annually as required by <br /> the general statutes and has received no audit exceptions. <br /> Please contact me if you have any questions or need more information. <br />