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46 <br /> Federal Register./ Vaal. '61,.No. •153 / Wednesday;-August 7, 1996 / Rules and Regulations 41283 <br /> performance.This commenter believed meanings of"covered multifamily ineligible for SEE funding.However,in <br /> that HUD's administrative burden: - . dwellings.",However,the word"and" order to prevent any possible confusion, <br /> would increase due to its inability to could easily be misinterpreted to be the this final rule amends§115.305 to <br /> refer complaints during the suspension conjunctive for the phrase"If such clarify that an enforcement agency may <br /> period. buildings."The commenter suggested. not receive SEE funds if it is currently <br /> The commenter also questioned the. ` that HUD.clarify.the wording of this on a Performance Improvement Plan <br /> adequacy of the reimbursement` ; definition. (PIP),or if its interim certification or . <br /> provisions at§115.211.These''''=` =HUD Response.HUD.agrees with_the .: certification has been suspended during <br /> provisions allowed HUD to reimburse commenter.Section 804(f)(7)of the- : <br /> the fiscal year is which SEE funds are .. <br /> formerly suspended agencies for cases' provides a clear.deEnition of the term being sought.HUD wishes to note that <br /> processed during the suspension period. 'covered multifamily dwellings.". I. agencies ineligible for SEE funding may <br /> The commenter wrote that agencies Paragraph 1a)(5)of§115.202 required still,if otherwise eligible,apply for <br /> should also be reimbuised for lost - that the agency's fair housing law or Complaint Processing funds,and <br /> special grant funding and the costs of.... ordinance'.'(p)rovide the same ;. Administrative Cost funds. <br /> halted investigations. = . protections as those afforded by section B Partial Reimbursement of Reinstated <br /> HUD Response.HUD disagrees with. 804' ' ' of the Act."This reference to <br /> several of the assertions made b the A envies <br /> . y section 804 encompassed-the statutory g <br /> commenter.For example;the interim definition of"covered multifamily As discussed in section-lII.A.of this <br /> rule was sufficiently clear regarding the • dwellings."It is,therefore,unnecessary preamble,the February 28,1996 interim <br /> conditions which might lead to an for the final rule to set forth a separate rule provided that HUD would <br /> agency's suspension:Further,the definition.Accordingly,this final rule reimburse an agency for cases processed <br /> suspension provisions will not .. simply removes 24 CFR during the agency's suspension period. <br /> necessarily increase HUD's' - 115.202(a)(5)(ii). HUD may unable to fully reimburse <br /> administrative burden.HUD also notes This final rule also removes reinstated agencies for these costs. <br /> that agencies presently have a right to_ §115.202(a)(5)(iii).The language of this Accordingly,this final rule clarifies that <br /> notice and an opportunity to respond provision was also already encompassed HUD will provide full or partial <br /> prior to suspension.These rights are in section 804 of the Act.Specifically, reimbursement for cases processed <br /> outlined in non-regulatory HUD the provision repeated the language of during the period of suspension. <br /> guidance,which is currently being section 804(f)(4),which concerns the <br /> revised and updated.However,HUD American National Standard for C.Increased HUD Flexibility <br /> agrees that this guidance should be facilities providing accessibility to This final rule also makes two <br /> referenced in 24 CFR part 115 and has persons with disabilities. amendments,designed to benefit <br /> revised the interim rule accordingly. enforcement agencies,by providing <br /> HUD has adopted another of the IV.Additional Changes to the February HUD with greater flexibility.The <br /> commenter's suggestions by limiting 28,1996 Interim Rule . February 28,1996 interim rule <br /> suspensions based on changes in the A.Limitation on SEE Fund Eligibility mandated that HUD suspend an agency <br /> law to 180 days. , if the conditions set forth in§§115.208 <br /> The commenter's recommendations Section 115.,65 set forth the in <br /> solelv concerned the suspension and eligibility requirements for Special certain2circumstances,wi h toD p <br /> withdrawal of certification procedures Enforcement Efforts(SEE)funds.SEE postpone <br /> P funds are awarded to enforcement the suspension of such an agency.The <br /> at§§115.211 and 115.212.However: interim rule denied this ability to HUD. <br /> HUD has also revised§115.208,which agencies with proven experience and <br /> governs interim certification,to capability in administering their fair This final rule provides HUD with the <br /> g housing laws and ordinances. required flexibility by revising <br /> reference the non-regulatory guidance <br /> and to establish the 180-day limit.HUD Accordingly,paragraphs(a)(1)through H 115.208 and spend 115.211 to state that <br /> believes the issues raised by the (a)(6)of§115.305 established fairly HUD"may"suspend an agency if the <br /> commenter are equally applicable to strict eligibility criteria.For example,24 suspension conditions are ted th ed. <br /> q Y PP The interim rule prohibited the <br /> agencies with interim certification. CPR 115.305(a)(3)required that: <br /> g - reimbursement of an agency who ryas <br /> Further,these revisions are necessary to (31 At least ten percent of the agency's fair suspended due to its performance until <br /> create uniformity in the procedures for housing caseload resulted in written HUD determined that the agency <br /> interim certification and certification. conciliation agreements providing monetary <br /> relief for the complainant as well as remedial complied with the performance <br /> B.Definition of"Covered Multifamily action,monitoring,reporting and public standards in§115.203.However,in <br /> Dwellings"Was Confusing interest relief provisions(.) certain cases speedier reimbursement of <br /> Comment.Paragraph(a)(5)(i)of Another example was provided by the such agencies may be justified.This <br /> §115.201 provided that"the term criterion set paragraph(a)(5)of final rule permits HUD to reimburse <br /> 'covered multifamily dwellings'means §115.305: agencies prior to a determination that <br /> buildings consisting of four or more (5)The agency's the requirements of§115.203 are <br /> g c}r's ad:aiaistratina of its fair satisfied. <br /> units if such buildings have one or more housing law or ordinance received <br /> elevators and ground floor units in other meritorious mention for its complaint V.Other Matters <br /> buildings consisting of four or more processing or other fair housing activities <br /> units."One of the commenters that were innovative(.) Environmental Impact <br /> complained about the awkward As the above examples illustrate, This rulemaking does not have an <br /> phrasing of this provision.As this HUD intends to limit SEE fundin;to environmental impact.This rulemaking <br /> commenter noted,the correct those agencies which meet a high simply amends an existing regulation by <br /> interpretation of the word"and"is threshold of eligibility.Accordingly, consolidating and streamlining <br /> unclear.The commenter correctly agencies which are experiencing provisions and does not alter the <br /> assumed that"and"was intended to be difficulties in administering their fair environmental effect of the regulations <br /> the conjunctive for the two independent housing laws and ordinances are being amended.Findings of No <br />