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8022.1 39 <br /> Appendix 124 ATTACH»f(T C <br /> Ow Awevad to e3Y♦eao <br /> ASSURANCES —NON-CONSTRUCTION PROOFtAMS <br /> Dote: Cortain of there assurances enay not k applicable ta your peojtst or program U you hive qut:tions. <br /> Please contact the awarding agency Further.eeruin Fedtra(awarding agtneits may rewire applicanu <br /> to certify to additional assurances Usuch is the east,you will be sotitied <br /> As the duly authorised reprew itative of the applicant I etrtif) that the applicant: <br /> I. Has the legal authority to apply for Federal (t)the Drug Abust Ofraas and Treatment Act of <br /> s►ssistanct, and the Institutional, managerial and 1972 (P.L. 92.253). as amended, relating to <br /> financial capability (including funds sullicitnt two %ondi6crim1nation on Ow basis of drug abuse, to <br /> pay the non-Federal share of project costs) to the Comprehensive Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism <br /> ensure proper planning, management and eom- Prevention.Treatment and Rehabilitation Act of <br /> pletion of the project described in this application. 1970 (P.L. 91.916), as amended, relating to <br /> 2 Will Sire the awarding agency, the Comptroller tnondiscriminstion an the basis of ekoh,51 abuse or <br /> General of the United States, and If appropriate, ct 90 alcoholism;(g)If 523 and$27 of the Pub.,c Health <br /> the Statt,through any authorised representative, Stmct A of 1912(42 US C.2 d4-3 and 290 et• <br /> access to and the right to examine all records, 3), as amended. relating to confidentiality of <br /> boots,papers,or documents related to the award. skohol and drug abuse patient recordt. (h) Title <br /> and wili tsublish's proper accounting system in Vill of the Civil Rights Act of 1%11142 U.S C 1 <br /> accordance with generally accepted accounting 3601 It seq ). as amended, relating to non. <br /> standards or agency directives. discrimination in the sale. rental or Prancing of <br /> housing; (1) any other nondiscrimination <br /> 3. Will esublish safeguards to prohibit tmployets provisions in the speclAc statuts(s) under which <br /> from using their positions for a purpose that application for Federal assistance is bt:ng made. <br /> constitutes or presents the appearance of personal and (J) the requirt ments of any other <br /> or organisational conflict of interest. or personal a ondiscrimination statutt(s) which mad• apply to <br /> gain. the application. <br /> 4. Will initiate and complete the Korb within the 7. Will comply, or has already complied, with the <br /> applicable time frame alter receipt of approval of rtquiremenu of Titles II and III of the Uniform <br /> the awarding agency. Relocation Assistance and Real Property <br /> S. Will comply with the Intergovernmental Acquisition Policies Act of 1970 (P.L 91.646) <br /> Personnel Act of 1970 (42 U-S C. If 4728.4763) which provide for fair and equitable treatment of <br /> relating to prescribed standards for merit systems persons displaced or whose property is acquired as <br /> for programs funded under one of the nineteen a result of Fedtral or federally assisted programs <br /> statutes or regulations sp"Uatd in Appendix A of These requirements apply to all interests in real <br /> OPS('s Standards for a Merit System of Personnel property acquired for project purposes regardless <br /> Administration(5 C.F.R.900,Subpart F). of Federal participation Ln purchases. <br /> S. Will comply with all Federal statutes relating to I. Will comply with the provisions of the Hatch Act <br /> nondiscrimination. Thest Include but are not (5 US C.11 1501.1509 and 7324.7328)which limit <br /> limited ta- (a) Tidt VI of the Civil Rights Act of the political activities of employees whose <br /> 1964 (P.L. 68.352)which prohibits d'u-rimination principal employment activities art funded in <br /> on the basis of race.color or national origin; (b) "halt or In part with Federal funds. <br /> Title 1X of the Education Amendments of 9. Will comply,as applicable,with the provisions of <br /> amended(20 US C.If 1681.1683,and 16&5.1666). the Davis-Bacon Act (40 US C. 1127 64 to 276a- <br /> which prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex; 7). the Copeland Act (40 US C. 1 2.6c and 18 <br /> (c)Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973,as C.S.C.11i 874).and the Contract Work Hours and <br /> amended (29 L'S C. 1794). whicia Prohibits ells- Safety Standards Act (40 U.S.C. if 327.333). <br /> eriminsdon on tht basis of handicaps;(d)the Age regarding tabor standards for ftders!!Y assisted <br /> Discriminstion Act of 1975, as amended (42 construction subagretments. <br /> V-S C 11 6101.6107). Which prohibits discrim• <br /> ination on the basis of age; <br /> tugs er t?rt ��ia <br /> NNacOrO R Ott itVr •.tae <br /> Auttsodztd for Local ReproduetSon <br /> 0/90 12c-2 <br />