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' <br /> Report of Landfill Owners Group/Landfill Neighbors Worlflng Group .4 <br /> the University Railway will be eligible for long-term(up to 50 years), low-interest loans <br /> from the landfill find to pay the casts of hooking up to water service. <br /> 3. The Landfill Owners Group will prepare and recommend a policy for adoption by the <br /> Chapel Hill Town Council which will require loads of waste (MSW and Construction <br /> and Demolition waste)being brought to the Orange Regional Landfill to be covered. <br /> Under the policy, loads which are not covered would be subject to fine. The fines would <br /> become effective after a three month grace period Non-commercial first-tune offenders <br /> should be offered the option of purchasing a tarp at the landfill in lieu of paying the fine. <br /> 4. The Landfill Owners Group will adopt a policy which requires loads of mulch leaving <br /> the Orange Regional Landfill to be covered. The Landfill will make available for sale <br /> tarps of various sizes for purchasers of mulch to cover their loads. This policy will <br /> become effective after a three month grace period, during which time education will be <br /> provided to mulch purchasers at the landfill <br /> 5.The Landfill Owners Group will adopt a policy which doubles the minimum frequency <br /> of litter pickup an roads strrotmding the Orange Regional Landfill. This will result in <br /> litter pickup on Eubanks Road.east of the landfill entrance at least twice weekly, on <br /> Eubanks Road west of the landfdl entrance at least six times annually, and on Rogers <br /> Road at least eight times anmrally. Future modif onion of these pickup frequencies <br /> shall be made only by the Landfill Owners Group or its successor. <br /> 6. The Landfill Owners Group will adopt a policy governing construction at the Orange <br /> Regional Landfill This policy will govern issues affecting neighboring residents, <br /> including nighttime construction,blasting, and noise. The policy will identify ways to <br /> mitigate or eliminate adverse effects on landfill neighbors, and will require all neighbors <br /> (those living iu the areas to be provided with water and sewer service)to be notified one <br /> week in advance of the start of construction. Such notification shall include the <br /> estimated duration of construction, and a description of any special construction activities <br /> which may impact neighbors. Notification will,at a minimum,include posting of signs <br /> -on the four roadway entrances into these neighborhoods(the north end of MilMouse <br /> Road,bath ends of Eubanks Road, and the south end of Rogers Road). <br /> Under ordinary circumstances,the LOG and its contractors will avoid construction <br /> between the hours of 11:00 putFand 6:00 am, and will provide for immediate notification <br /> of neighbors when emergency circumstances dictate that construction activities are <br /> unavoidable during these hours. The LOG will ensure that any contractors carrying out <br /> constriction at the landflll follow the Orange County noise ordinance. <br /> 7. The Working Group recommends that residents living new the Orange Regional <br /> Landfill take initiative in identifiying perpetrators of illegal dumping near the landfill to <br /> • assist in successful prosecutions. Identification of vehicles, license tags, drivers, and/or <br /> types of articles discarded should be made when possible. <br /> 2 <br />