Orange County NC Website
16 <br /> EXECUTIVE SUMMARY <br /> STUDY SCOPE AND OBJECTIVES <br /> The Orange Water and Sewer Authority(OWASA)owns and operates the Cane Creek Reservoir as a water <br /> supply for residents of the towns of Chapel Hill and Carrboro, and portions of Orange County, North <br /> Carolina. OWASA commissioned the Cane Creek Watershed study to aid in developing management plans <br /> to protect the quality of the water supply into the next century(see Figure E-1 for a map of the study area). <br /> Given the current predominance of agricultural and forested land in the watershed, proper management of <br /> those land use activities n now the greatest concern for protection of the water supply. Over time, however, <br /> the character of land use is projected to shift to residential, presenting new challenges to protecting the water <br /> supply. <br /> Restrictions on either agricultural or land development activities to manage watershed impacts can impose <br /> burdens on local resided and land owners. A viable management plan to protect the water supply needs to <br /> address potential adverse water quality impacts while also avoiding imposition of unnecessary burdens on either <br /> residents or OWASA rate payers. <br /> To meet these multiple objectives,the scope of work for this study was developed with substantial input from <br /> a broad-based advisory committee of local elected officials, OWASA Board members and customers, <br /> watershed property owners,and technical experts. In June 1995, OWASA selected The Cadmus Group, Inc. <br /> to conduct the study. The original scope of work contained eleven tasks including collection and evaluation of <br /> existing reservoir and watershed data,development and application of modeling tools for prediction of future <br /> water quality in Cane Creek Reservoir under alternative management scenarios, and recommendation of a <br /> watershed protection plan. The latter task was modified, however, because OWASA and the advisory <br /> committee agreed that several of the feasible management alternatives under consideration warrant review and <br /> input from a larger segment of the community before selection of a final plan of action. The purpose of this <br /> report, therefore, is to provides a technical basis for the selection of a final management plan, and to <br /> communicate the study finding to date and the alternative management scenarios under consideration. <br /> OWASA's primary goal is expressed as follows: <br /> Mamtge the Cane Creak Reservoir to meet or exceed all applicable state and federal standards and to ' <br /> ensure its excellent water quality and long term viability as a public water supply resource. <br /> E-1 <br />