Orange County NC Website
uin r Lrawvilvu Lt.r i. t aX yly yUy-[U14 J2R GL ji I Ul <br /> 8 . <br /> AGENDA#10 <br /> MEMORANDUM <br /> TO: Mayor and Tows Council <br /> FROM: W.Calvin Horton,Town MMWW <br /> SUBJECT: Homestead Road Improvements <br /> DATE: 5eptemibsr 22,1997 <br /> The purpose of this memorudim is to rrnew flat issuos related to the imqwovemeut of <br /> HanuWead.toad,from N.C.86 to High School Road. <br /> The attached roolut m w wld affirm the Co red's positiaa that die: Homestead Road <br /> improvem at te smwld be limited to three lance,with curb and gutter,b&c lanes and sidewalks. <br /> BACKGROUND <br /> The Durbez-Chapel WdW- a Tran*ntion Advisory C %zimittoc and die North Carolina <br /> Deparbmeffi W T i -have included k o to Hanenstead Road,from N.C. 86 to <br /> High Sehoed Road. in their ampecdve Tram Improvenent ProgramL These <br /> ia ;rovemeas we proposed to widen the etc owe roadway to a dntev4sne crow-section, two <br /> travel lamer s nd a eoadm out comes tum lane~begirming is FY 2000.The anticipated cast of the <br /> project is an mdms� ly S3,500,000- <br /> DISC.VSSION <br /> Earlier this ;var this North Cmohn Dqpxmoeat of Tr=vortabon held a public mev m& at <br /> which time -hey presented their pre bmwary places for mwvmg Hanesteeed Road. At this <br /> mexting they ales received pubHe comments on their prebmin ry plains. <br /> On Septanbe r 4, 199?the Noah CaroHn D of TrampoerWian sent a letter to flee Tows <br /> (attacbeA admmg sevexal own rchtod to the widenhng of Hammed Road and rexleiestiag <br /> that the Toms provide the Department with a resolution supporting eithar a three-lance or five- <br /> line cross-tentless. <br /> The Oc=gs C boOf Commiseeia®ers have also requested that the Town provide guidance on the <br /> preferred dem p of the Hawmd Resod wideamng pMOM PIM6 son the attached letter frosa <br /> ores p Coaeot y Ch=ic Williams Caowdw: <br />