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8 <br /> Adopted 5/14/96 <br /> Revised 6/9/97 <br /> RECREATION&PARKS <br /> GOAL: (1)PREPARE JOINT MASTER RECREATION&PARKS FOR ORANGE COUNTY; <br /> AND(2)UPDATE PARKLAND DEDICATION STANDARDS. <br /> :.... :....:.::.:....:........:..:.:.... .. . :..:. ... ...,. ...... .: <br /> This goal involves updating the Master Recreation&Parks Plan adopted in 1988.Issues have arisen which <br /> suggest an update is needed, and a recent report to the Assembly of Governments cited the need for <br /> standardization of recreation and park standards,and the siting,design,and management of school and park <br /> sites across jurisdictional lines.As follow-up to the Assembly of Governments meeting,the Managers of <br /> Orange County,Chapel Hill,and Carrboro presented a report to their respective governing boards <br /> which included a recommendation that the Master Recreation&Parks Plan be modified to be a joint <br /> long-range capital facility plan for the three jurisdictions. Related to this, the Board of <br /> Commissioners asked staff to review the current dedication/payment in-lieu provisions to determine <br /> if the dedication requirements were sufficient to generate needed parkland. <br /> BACKGROUND&OBJECTIVES <br /> At the February, 1996 public hearing, proposed amendments to the.recreation Aedication/payment-in-lieu <br /> provisions were presented. Among the recommendations contained in the'repott was the suggestion that <br /> consideration be. givea_to updating the Master Recreation & Parks Plan. The, rationale for this <br /> recommendation was that-the Plan was eight years old, and issues had arisen which suggested an update <br /> was warranted,including the following: <br /> • The relationship between existing and proposed school sites,and proposed parks; <br /> • The development of"small area plans" in the northem portions of Chapel'Hill and Carrboro and the <br /> impact,if any,that proposed park sites in those areas would have on the need for"County"facilities; <br /> • The utilization of landfill and reservoir sites,both existing and proposed,as possible recreation sites; <br /> • The discussion of strategies for preserving natural and cultural resources through open space design, <br /> including the relationship of these resources to active and passive recreational pursuits;and <br /> v. <br /> • The evolution of a Recreation& Parks Advisory Board for the Town of Hillsborough and the role the <br /> Town would play in the provision of recreational facilities. <br /> At about the same time,a report was presented to the Assembly of Governments by the Recreation&Parks <br /> Work Group,a group comprised of elected officials and Recreation& Parks staff from the municipalities <br /> and County. The report focused on"Recreation& Park Issues in Orange County"and recommended three <br /> specific actions,including: <br /> • Standardization of recreation sections of land use ordinances across jurisdictions, particularly with <br /> respect to the standards used to define recreation and parks requirements; <br />