Orange County NC Website
(2) In Paragraph 2,add new subparagraph 0)to read as follows: <br /> j. LES shall conduct an ongoing aggressive campaign to identify and implement cost-effective, <br /> environmentally sound alternatives to disposal for as many as possible of the items brought to the Sponsors' <br /> Household Hazardous Waste Collection Programs. As part of this effort,LES shall puncture as many <br /> aerosol cans as possible for recycling and,to the extent desired by each Sponsor,consolidate paint in drums <br /> in order to recycle paint cans.LES shall provide Sponsors with documentation of its effort to identify <br /> alternatives. A continuing reduction in per capita cost of the Sponsors' Household Hazardous Waste <br /> Collection Programs shall be one means of measuring whether LES'performance is satisfactory. <br /> (3) In Paragraph 2,add new subparagraph(k)to read as follows <br /> k. By February 1 of each year,LES shall provide Sponsors with a listing of all warning <br /> notifications,violations,and/or citations,along with explanatory details,for the past year for each firm, <br /> hauler,storage facility,and disposal facility used by LES in conjunction with the handling of materials from <br /> Sponsors' Household Hazardous Waste Collection Programs. <br /> (4) In Paragraph 6(a),delete the fifth sentence(beginning"Sponsors shall")and substitute the <br /> following: <br /> LES shall notify Sponsors each year by February 1 concerning any such price adjustment request <br /> to be effective during the following fiscal year. <br /> (5) In Paragraph 6,add new subparagraph(e)to read as follows: <br /> e. LES shall attempt to identify and use lower-cost supplies where appropriate. <br /> (6) In Paragraph 11,insert the following between the second and third sentences: <br /> LES shall respond in writing to any concerns raised by Sponsors with regard to the foregoing. <br /> (7) In Paragraph 22(a),delete"Matt Young"and his title and substitute"Lynn Weller"and"Waste <br /> Reduction Coordinator." Also delete"Bill Renfrow"and his address and substitute the following: <br /> Mike Turner <br /> Director of General Services <br /> County of Durham <br /> 310 S.Dillard Street <br /> Durham NC 27701 <br /> 2 <br />