Orange County NC Website
3 <br /> As a local organisation we have been instrumental in bringing 40 units of supportive <br /> housing for senior citizens with low incomes. This represents an investment by HUD in Orange <br /> County of approximately$3 million in affordable housing. <br /> We are not asking for reimbursement as a means of avoiding a fee that we could pay. We <br /> do not have the money. If these apartments are going to come into existence and serve senior <br /> citizens with low incomes, it will be with your assistance. I hope the commissioners will embrace <br /> this as an opportunity to be partners in providing housing for seniors with low incomes. <br /> Clearly we should have approached this in a manner different from the way we did. The <br /> question we have now is what is our next step. We would appreciate any advice and counsel you <br /> can offer. Thank you. <br /> Peace, <br /> Richard Edens <br /> cc: Orange County Coa>m�issionera <br />