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4. <br /> protection were eliminated from the Subdivision Regulations, and all watershed protection <br /> requirements were incorporated into the existing Article 6.23 of the Zoning Ordinance. <br /> Because the interim development standards are contained in the subdivision regulations rather <br /> than the zoning ordinance, they only apply in the context of subdividing property. They are not <br /> applicable in the case of extending public facilities to serve and existing development. <br /> OWASA'S UNIVERSITY LAKE WATER AND SEWER EXTENSION POLICY <br /> 1. CURRENT POLICY <br /> Extensions and connections may be granted to: <br /> a) Alleviate an existing or impending health hazard; <br /> b) Alleviate existing conditions that will jeopardize the quality of water in University Lake; <br /> C) Protect the health, safety and welfare of the general public; <br /> d) Provide service to certain lots in Rangewood Subdivision; <br /> e) Provide service for a change in use, if the structure is increased by no more than 50% and <br /> the use does not constitute an increased hazard to the watershed. <br /> 2. PROPOSED POLICY REVISIONS <br /> Extensions and connection would also be allowed to: <br /> a) provide service to developed lots with failing wells or septic systems; or <br /> b) provide service to developed lots close to those in a) above if wells or septic systems are <br /> "reasonably likely to fail within the near future"; or <br /> C) provide service to developed or undeveloped lots existing before 4/3/87 which are adjacent <br /> to lines constructed for a)and b)above. <br /> Developed lots larger than 3.9 acres would be limited to one connection. Additional connections <br /> would not be allowed in the future if the land was subdivided. <br /> Developed lots 3.9 acres or smaller could not be further subdivided due to zoning restrictions, <br /> thus there would be no potential for any connections other than that for the existing use. <br /> Undeveloped lots smaller than four acres which were created before April 23, 1987 could be <br /> served only upon certification by Orange County Environmental Health that the lot could be <br /> permitted for an on-site system. <br /> COMPLIANCE WITH COUNTY REGULATIONS <br /> 1. ZONING ORDINANCE <br /> The current OWASA policy is not consistent with the Orange County Zoning Ordinance, which <br /> allows only on-site individual water supply and waste disposal systems. <br />