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for the widening of I-85 . 8 <br /> Evaluation <br /> It is difficult to determine the validity of the complaint about changing <br /> the drainage patterns where runoff from Mr. Efland,s property goes under <br /> Mt . Willing Road. This area has been altered several times by the <br /> original I-85 construction and the recent widening. I have no topographic <br /> maps showing the original contours of the area prior to I-85 . However, <br /> it is difficult to imagine a diversion toward the north g-ven the slopes <br /> of the land and road ditches. <br /> It does appear that it is possible that the drainageway originally went <br /> diagonally across the interchange to pipes on the north side of West Ten <br /> Road and that the construction of I-85 moved the drainageway slightly <br /> north where it flowed under the interstate and then to the pipes under <br /> West Ten. If this were the case it would have been only a minor change <br /> since the water ended up in the same place. Again it is impossible to <br /> know if this is what actually occurred. <br /> From the field investigation and review of topographic maps and NC DOT' s <br /> plans for I-85 widening I see no evidence that runoff from the northwest <br /> corner of Mr. Efland' s property has been diverted away from Seven Mile <br /> Creek as was charged. DOT' s plans show storm drains catching the runoff <br /> from this area and draining it to a sediment pond south of the <br /> interstate. <br /> The main point of the complaint is not changes in the drainage patterns <br /> but the status of Seven Mile Creek as a reservoir site and whether the <br /> watershed restrictions should remain. I explained that this point should <br /> be discussed with other Planning staff, I was just investigating the <br /> original complaint about changes in the drainage patterns. <br /> There is one point about the water quality critical area boundary that <br /> I told Mr. Efland he should investigate if he thought use of his property <br /> was unfairly restricted. I am not familiar with exactly how the critical <br /> area boundary was determined, but it seemed illogical that the critical <br /> area for the creek below Mt. Willing Road does not stop at the ridge that <br /> runs southwest to northeast. Whether this ridge would eliminate the <br /> critical area on Mr. Efland's property I do not know, but I suggested <br /> they investigate this point. <br /> Let me know if you have questions or want more information. <br /> xc: Mary C. McClure, Geocorp <br /> 137 6-6-97 <br />