Orange County NC Website
,iG(-—yG—y JJ f iCJ•J'-r I rc A f J/IyLG J wU 1 J1 J ----j J.�:7e.1 .-.tJ-,• i <br /> 3 <br /> (2) In paragraph 2,add new subparagraph 0)to read as follow$. <br /> j- LES ahatl conduct an ongoing aggressive campaign to identify and implement amt efl<cctive, <br /> onvitonmatally wand alternatives to disposal for as many as possible of the items brought to the Sponsors' <br /> Household Harardous Wawa Collection Programs. As part of this effort,LES shall puncture as many <br /> awasol cast as possible for recycling and,to the extent desired by each Sponsor,consolidate paint in drams <br /> fn artier to recycle paint evens.LES shalt provide Sponsors with documentation of its effort to identify <br /> alternatives- A continuing reduction in per capita cost of the Sponsors-Household Hazerdaus Waste <br /> Cdkction PMgrams shall be ono means of measuring whether LES'perfa mmm is satisf9ctmy- <br /> (3) In Paragraph 2,add new afteragraph(k)to tad as follows <br /> k. BY February 1 of each yew,LES shall provide Sponsors with a listing of all warning <br /> notiSuytiwns,violadam and/or citatiom along with explwWory details,for the past year for each firm, <br /> hauler storage facility,ad dpoml EacI ty used by LES in conjunction with the handling of materials from <br /> SPonaors'Household Hmerdom Waste Collection programs. <br /> (4) In Paragt'aph 6M efedue the 6fib sentence(begimung"Sponsors shall")and substitute the <br /> Mowing: <br /> LES shall notify Sponsors each year by February 1 concerning any such polar adjustment request <br /> to be.effee Live durmS the f 1lowiag nod yew <br /> (5) In Patraph 6,add new subparagraph(a)to toad as follows: <br /> e- LES shall gumhpt to identify and use b%vr-ocst supplies where appropriate, <br /> (6) In Paragraph 11.insert die following between the second and third sentences: <br /> LM shall mgmd in writing to any concerns raised by Spomas with regard to idw fixegoing- <br /> (7) In Parmh 22(a).deltic"Matt Yomrg"and his tide bad subeflu to"Lynn Waller"and"Waste <br /> Rgdocdion Coordinator." Also dclots"BW Reafiow'end his address and substitute the following: <br /> Mike'i WNW <br /> Direo w of t3®ewl Services <br /> Comty of Dudum <br /> 310 S,Diilatd S tract <br /> Durham KC 27701 <br /> 2 <br />