Agenda - 09-30-1997 - V
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 09-30-1997
Agenda - 09-30-1997 - V
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MEMORANDUM <br /> TO: Orange County Commissioners <br /> John Link, County Manager <br /> FROM: 4 od Visser, Assistant County Manager <br /> DATE: September 26, 1997 <br /> RE: Impact Fee Collections <br /> This memo provides a brief update on impact fee collections since Orange County `s ordinance took effect on <br /> July 1, 1993. Ken Chavious has prepared the attached spreadsheet, which shows collections in, and <br /> disbursements from,the trust funds that have been established to account for impact fees collected from new <br /> residential dwelling units in each school system. <br /> Impact fee collections in both systems have been sufficient to meet the portion of each system's CIP that was to <br /> be funded from impact fees. Both systems have a positive balance in their trust funds as of June 30, 1997. For <br /> OCS, the balance is $427,107. For CHCCS, the balance is $355,931. <br /> The trend in OCS impact fee collection has been consistent with the impact fee revenue budgeted in the CIP. <br /> For example, collections in 1996-97 were about$330,000, with programmed disbursements of$337,500. The <br /> CHCCS impact fee collection trends were also generally consistent with the CIP budgets during the first several <br /> years, but in 1996-97, there was a significant dropoff from 1995-96 collections (down from $851,000 to <br /> $480,000). <br /> One possible explanation for this dropoff is related to a change in when impact fees are being collected in the <br /> development process. For example, we understand that when impact fees were implemented, it was the Town <br /> of Chapel Hill's practice to collect the impact fee when the building permit was issued. Since the impact fee <br /> was increased to $3,000 in the CHCCS district effective July 1, 1996, we understand that the Town generally <br /> collects the impact fee later in the process, when the certificate of occupancy is issued (this practice is consistent, <br /> with the requirements of the County's impact fee ordinance, and the interlocal agreement between the County <br /> and the towns of Carrboro and Chapel Hill regarding impact fee collections). In that there is a lag of many <br /> months between the issuance of a building permit and a certificate of occupancy, it is possible that the drop in <br /> 1996-97 impact fee collections will be offset by greater collections in 1997-98 for buildings permitted in 1996- <br /> 97, but for which impact fees have not yet been collected. <br /> County staff have begun a detailed review of building permit records and the impact fee collection process to <br /> ensure that procedures for the accurate and timely collection of all impact fees due throughout the County are <br /> working. We will be working with the town and schools staffs as needed during the next several months on <br /> checking impact fee trends as we work together to develop the 1998-2008 Capital Improvements Plan for the <br /> Board's consideration next Spring. <br />
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