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i <br /> 9 <br /> selected properties can be considered at the next quarterly public hearing, which will be in <br /> November. That November public hearing will be held on Monday, November 24th with the <br /> Commission's regular meeting being the next night. Then the official ordinance for designation <br /> can be adopted by the Board of Commissioners at their next meeting in December. <br /> c. Letter to Lloyd Childers <br /> Anderson stated that she wrote a letter to Lloyd Childers, not involving the Commission, but <br /> from her own point of view, about what troubles her about the role that the Commission is <br /> expected to play. She gave Belk a copy of the letter to include in next month's meeting packet. <br /> Anderson stated that she has not had any response from Ms. Childers, though the letter was <br /> mailed August 1 st. Commissioner Crowther asked for copies for the Board of Commissioners so <br /> they could see what the problem is. <br /> Anderson stated that this has to do with what she sees as a deceitful situation for the Commission <br /> to be in; holding a public hearing, getting input from the public under oath, and unable to act on <br /> either their own judgments or other information because SHPO has already decided that it should <br /> pass. If the Commission is allowed to have an independent judgment and SHPO overrules it, <br /> that is fine. But the Commission should be in a position of having an actual hearing which will <br /> affect the Commission's vote; what the Commission members know themselves, what they hear <br /> from the public, should all be factored into the way the Commission votes. The Commission <br /> should not be expected to follow something that has already been determined by SHPO and <br /> pretend that the Commission is having a hearing. This disparity between the fact and the fiction <br /> is what bothers Anderson. Anderson stated that she has asked Ms. Childers to fix the procedure <br /> in her office so that the Commission could be honest about what they do. <br /> AGENDA ITEM#7: INFORMATIONAL ITEMS <br /> a. Newsletter from the Alliance for Historic Hillsborough <br /> b. Newsletter from the Raleigh Historic Districts Commission <br /> c. Newsletter from Department of Housing and Community Development, City of <br /> Greensboro <br /> d. Letter from David Brook,Deputy SHPO re: Damascus Church Road Widening Project <br /> e. Brochure on 1997 Preservation/NC Conference: Preservation at the Crossroads, <br /> September 25-28,Rocky Mount and Tarboro,NC (To be distributed at the meeting) <br /> AGENDA ITEM#8: ADJOURNMENT <br /> Allison adjourned the meeting at 7:38 p.m. <br /> 3 <br />