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Full Text of Senate Bill 875 ` <br /> certifies that such records appear to have no further use or value for 13 y <br /> research or reference, then such records may be destroyed or otherwise <br /> disposed of by the agency having custody of them. <br /> When the custodian of any official records of any county, city, <br /> municipality, or other subdivision of government certifies to the <br /> Department that such records have no further use or value for official <br /> business and when the Department certifies that such records appear to <br /> have no further use or value for research or reference, then such records <br /> may be authorized by the governing body of said county, city, <br /> municipality, or other subdivision of government to be destroyed or <br /> otherwise disposed of by the agency having custody of them. A record of <br /> such certification and authorization shall be entered in the minutes of <br /> the governing body granting the authority. <br /> The North Carolina Historical Commission is hereby authorized and <br /> empowered to make such orders, rules, and regulations as may be necessary <br /> and proper to carry into effect the provisions of this section. when any <br /> State, county, municipal, or other governmental records shall have been <br /> destroyed or otherwise disposed of in accordance with the procedure <br /> authorized in this subsection, any liability that the custodian of such <br /> records might incur for such destruction or other disposal shall cease and <br /> determine. " <br /> Section 14. The Legislative Research Commission may <br /> study the procedures for land title registration pursuant to Chapter 43 of <br /> the General Statutes and make recommendations regarding revisions to the <br /> procedures to improve them. The Commission shall report its findings and <br /> recommendations to the 1998 Regular Session of the 1997 General Assembly. <br /> Section 15. Sections 1 through 10 of this act become <br /> effective October 1, 1997. The remainder of this act is effective when it <br /> becomes law. The removal and destruction by a register of deeds of any <br /> out-of-county birth certificates prior to the effective date of this act <br /> is valid, and the register of deeds is not in violation of G.S. 121-5 or <br /> G.S. 132-3 . <br /> In the General Assembly read three times and ratified <br /> this the 8th day of July, 1997. <br /> s/ Marc Basnight <br /> President Pro Tempore of the Senate <br /> s/ Harold J. Brubaker <br /> Speaker of the House of Representatives <br /> s/ James B. Hunt, Jr. <br /> Governor <br /> 10 <br /> 11 of 12 08/22/97 14:34:24 <br />