Orange County NC Website
Full Text of Senate Bill 875 <br /> j 10 <br /> (7) Perform any other related duties that the board <br /> of commissioners may direct. <br /> An agency created or designated pursuant to this section may <br /> include but shall not be limited to one or more of the following, with_ <br /> aalr Chaff }hat t-hA hn=rA nF r= CnnCi H=rc = 1-1=t-a <br /> following: <br /> (1) A planning board or commission of any size <br /> (with not lAna fewer than three members) or <br /> composition considered appropriate, organized in any manner considered <br /> appropriate; <br /> (2) A joint planning board created by two or more <br /> local governments according to the procedures and provisions of Chapter <br /> 160A, Article 20, Part 1. " <br /> Section 6. G.S. 153A-332 reads as rewritten: <br /> "§ 153A- 332. Ordinance to contain procedure for plat <br /> approval; approval prerequisite to plat recordation; statement by <br /> owner. <br /> A subdivision ordinance adopted pursuant to this Part shall <br /> contain provisions setting forth the procedures to be followed in granting <br /> or denying approval of a subdivision plat before its registration. <br /> The ordinance shall provide that the following agencies be given <br /> an opportunity to make recommendations concerning an individual <br /> subdivision plat before the plat is approved: <br /> (1) The district highway engineer as to proposed <br /> State streets, State highways, and related drainage <br /> systems; <br /> (2) The county health director or local public <br /> utility, as appropriate, as to proposed water or sewerage systems; <br /> (3) Any other agency or official designated by the <br /> board of commissioners. <br /> The ordinance may provide that final approval of each individual <br /> subdivision plat is to be given by: <br /> (1) The board of commissioners, <br /> (2) The board of commissioners on recommendation of <br /> a planning agency, or <br /> (3) A designated planning agency. <br /> From the effective date of rim- hh— a subdivision <br /> ordinance that is adopted by the county, filed wit-h hhe <br /> i Cher of Aee o n nro�n tv <br /> r�3 eA f the no subdivision plat of land within <br /> the county's jurisdiction may be filed or recorded until it has been <br /> submitted to and approved by the appropriate board or agency, as specified <br /> in the subdivision ordinance, and until this approval is entered in <br /> writing on the face of the plat by an authorized representative of the <br /> county. 1-330 nhayrm=n nr head Of the hnarA or age, cy The <br /> Review Officer, pursuant to G.S. 47-30.2, shall not certify <br /> regiatey- of de-As m=3r- nntt film then--A a plat of a subdivision of <br /> land located within the territorial jurisdiction of the county that has <br /> not been approved in accordance with these provisions, and the clerk of <br /> superior court may not order or direct the recording of a plat if the <br /> recording would be in conflict with this section. Th- numer of land <br /> Chnn.n nn = aillneii<si cinn 1= At cis i t-t-saA fe-ir- rj=L�ev,r inq nr 114- a w-box'zed <br /> ate, shall sign a statement an Hhe 1= at .c:t-nt•ing what•h-r anAr lanA chn�+n <br /> t•h-r-nn is it-hi" the anhAivigjnn req3ilntinn I ricAict•inn of tho <br /> 8 of 12 08/22197 14:34:23 <br />