Orange County NC Website
y <br /> 9 . <br /> OPPORTUNITIES FOR PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT <br /> NCDOT provides a number of opportunities for citizen and interest group participation <br /> during project planning. Some of these opportunities are listed below: <br /> SCOPING LETTER Published in N.C. Environmental Bulletin. This letter notifies <br /> agencies and groups on the State Clearinghouse mailing list that a <br /> project study has been initiated and solicits comments from them. <br /> CITIZENS Informal meeting with the public. NCDOT staff conduct these <br /> INFORMATIONAL workshops to speak one-on-one with citizens about projects. <br /> WORKSHOP Comment sheets are provided for citizens to write down their <br /> questions, comments, and concerns. The number of workshops <br /> scheduled for a project depends on the scope and anticipated <br /> impact of the project. <br /> NEWSLETTER On some projects, newsletters are sent to area residents and interest <br /> groups. Newsletters describe the project, discuss the project's <br /> status, and outline the alternatives being studied. <br /> DOCUMENT Copies of environmental documents are submitted to the State <br /> DISTRIBUTION Clearinghouse for distribution and a notice is published in the N.C. <br /> Environmental Bulletin. Upon request, N(.DOT will provide <br /> copies of the document to the public. Copies are available for <br /> public viewing at NCDOT Raleigh and Division offices; the State <br /> Clearinghouse office; local government offices, including the local <br /> council of government office; and local public libraries. <br /> SMALL GROUP Presentations are given at the request of neighborhood associations <br /> MEETING or other interest groups. <br /> PUBLIC HEARING One or more formal public hearings for the public record are held. <br /> Format typically involves a short presentation followed by an <br /> opportunity for citizens to comment. <br /> CITIZEN LETTER Citizens are encouraged to write NCDOT and provide information <br /> and express concerns regarding proposed improvements. <br /> Correspondence from citizens and interest groups is considered <br /> during the course of the planning study and is included in the <br /> project file. <br />