Orange County NC Website
8 . <br /> PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT AND THE PROJECT PLANNING PROCESS <br /> PROJECT PLANNING <br /> Planning and environmental studies for highway projects are conducted in order to <br /> comply with either the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) or the North Carolina <br /> Environmental Policy Act. The type of document published following the planning study <br /> depends on the magnitude of the project and its expected environmental impact. These <br /> documents may be one of the following types: <br /> EIS Environmental Impact Statement <br /> EA Environmental Assessment <br /> CE Categorical Exclusion <br /> These documents discuss the purpose and need for the proposed improvements, evaluate <br /> alternatives, and analyze the project's impact on both the human and natural environment. Areas <br /> of concern which these documents address include: <br /> -Efficiency and safety of travel <br /> -Neighborhoods and communities <br /> -Relocation of homes and businesses <br /> -Economy of project area <br /> -Historic properties and sites <br /> - Wetlands <br /> -Endangered species <br /> -Wildlife and plant communities <br /> -Water quality <br /> -Floodplains <br /> -Farmland and land use plans of project area <br /> -Hazardous materials involvement <br /> -Traffic noise and air quality <br /> PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT IN PROJECT PLANNING <br /> As stated above, project planning and environmental studies are conducted in order to <br /> comply with NEPA. NEPA requires that"agencies make diligent efforts to involve the public in <br /> preparing and implementing their NEPA procedures." <br /> Public involvement is an integral part of NCDOT's project planning process. The <br /> concerns of citizens and interest groups are always considered during project planning studies. <br /> Often, additional project alternatives are studied, or recommended alternatives are changed, <br /> based on comments received from the public. <br />