Orange County NC Website
John W. Watkins, Division Engineer <br /> Mike Cowan, Division Construction Engineer <br /> H.T. Moon, Right of Way Engineer <br /> NC Board of Transportation Members: <br /> Doug Galyon, Division 7 Member <br /> Chapel Hill Staff. <br /> Richard Ternell <br /> Charles Quinlan,Police Department <br /> Orange County Staff: <br /> Slade McCalip, Planning Department <br /> At the meeting, NC DOT staff proposed four different cross-section designs for <br /> Homestead Road. These included: <br /> 1) a five lane curb and gutter road that would include wide (14') travel lanes (to <br /> accommodate bicycles)with sidewalks on both sides of the road, <br /> 2) a three lane paved shoulder(4' wide to accommodate bicycles) road that would <br /> not include sidewalks (this is what is currently programmed in the STIP for <br /> construction beginning in 2001), <br /> 3) a hybrid of both road design types whereby one half of a three lane road would <br /> have 14' wide lanes (for bicycles) with a sidewalk on the same side with a 4' <br /> paved shoulder on the opposite lane (for bicycles) with no sidewalk (the intent of <br /> this design type is to provide a sidewalk on one side of the road and also to <br /> prepare for the eventual need to widen the road to five lanes with the widening <br /> occurring only on the side of the road which has the paved shoulder), and <br /> 4) that only a portion of the road be widened to five lanes with the remainder <br /> widened to three lanes (with Seawell School Road as the likely transition area <br /> from five to three lanes). <br /> As the meeting progressed, it became apparent that there were three main issues <br /> of concern to local officials. These included: <br /> 1) the adequacy of the proposed capacity improvements for moving vehicles (i.e., <br /> are five lanes needed now instead of three), <br /> 2)whether or not sidewalks would be provided, and <br /> 3) whether or not bicycle facilities would be included in the proposed <br /> improvements. <br />