Agenda - 08-20-1997 - 8c
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 08-20-1997
Agenda - 08-20-1997 - 8c
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8/7/2013 12:45:03 PM
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8/7/2013 12:45:01 PM
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Regular Meeting
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ti <br /> 7 <br /> In addition to the creation of a vision for the county, this Youth Visioning Effort also addresses <br /> the broader goals of the Shaping Orange County's Future process -- promoting citizen <br /> participation, building community, and forming active citizens. <br /> o Citizenyarticipation: Determining where the citizens of Orange County want to "go" as a <br /> community and how to get there can only be done through the compilation of the many <br /> voices of all the stakeholders. The Youth Visioning Project will enable the youth of Orange <br /> County, Chapel Hill, Carrboro, and Hillsborough to participate in Shaping Orange County's <br /> Future. <br /> .� Community building: Through considering the county as a whole, Shaping Orange County's <br /> Future hopes to unite the rural and urban perspectives within the county. Students will be <br /> enriched by the diversity of experiences and opinions as they work with others with different <br /> backgrounds from throughout the county, and begin to construct the bridge across Northern <br /> and Southern Orange. <br /> o Citizen building: Educating youth on the function of local government and the role of citizen <br /> participation in that process while giving them an opportunity to directly experience <br /> involvement in civic affairs will build future active citizens that will uphold the American <br /> democratic ideal in the years to come. <br /> Our success in meeting these goals will be measured in participation and document collection. <br /> We will maintain participation rosters, monitor geographic representation, and utilize student <br /> evaluation surveys. In addition, we will recognize how much of what they learned in class <br /> exercises shines through in the charette. We hope to reach a total of approximately 300 students <br /> from within all three county high schools and five middle schools. From this diverse group of <br /> students, the Shaping Orange County's Future will receive written, oral, and drawn items for <br /> inclusion into their report and presentation to elected officials of Orange County as well as on the <br /> Shaping Orange County's Future web site to re-affirm whose future we are planning, and that <br /> those people--the youth--have an opinion and a voice. <br /> The source of funds for Shaping Orange County's Future is a joint pool of municipal and county <br /> funding. Currently, the towns of Chapel Hill and Carrboro contribute 32.5% and 10.5% <br /> respectively while Orange County contributes the remaining 57%. From this funding, Shaping <br /> Orange County's Future has a full-time staff member who will provide her time and energy in <br /> designing and organizing the Youth Visioning Effort. In addition, funding in-kind will be <br /> provided by volunteer efforts and donated supplies. On-going funding will not be necessary <br /> because the Youth Visioning Effort will be completed at end of April 1998; however, it is hoped <br /> that those students who participate would elect to become part of the formal process of Shaping <br /> Orange County's Future and continue to participate throughout the project's anticipated end date <br /> of December, 1999. <br /> The vision created by the Shaping Orange County's Future initiative will be submitted to the <br /> county and municipal governments for adoption to guide their respective comprehensive and <br /> current planning efforts. Hopefiilly, some of the innovative ideas in this vision will have come <br /> from the future of the County—its youth. <br />
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