Orange County NC Website
2 , <br /> INFORMATION ON SCHOOL FACILITIES IN ORANGE COUNTY <br /> 1. Age of Elementary Schools <br /> The information in this attachment is based on data supplied <br /> by the two school systems. The point of the chart is to show the <br /> original date when each school was constructed. However, some <br /> schools were relatively small at the outset with significant additions <br /> being made later. Thus an arbitrary size of 20,000 square feet was <br /> selected as the "original size" for a school. The chart shows the <br /> earliest year each school contained at least 20,000 square feet, <br /> grouped by decade. The oldest schools were built in the 1950's and <br /> the newest, in the 1990's. <br /> 2. Age of Secondary Schools <br /> This attachment has the same categories of data as the one for <br /> elementary schools, but information is given for secondary schools. <br /> 3. School Facilities in the Orange County Schools <br /> The information in this attachment was supplied by the school <br /> district, and includes the data outlined below: <br /> a. Original Facilities and Additions, Given with the Year and <br /> Square Footage. <br /> b. Buildings and Grounds Data, including Acreage and the <br /> Number of Mobile Classrooms. <br /> 4. School Facilities in the Chapel Hill - Carrboro City Schools <br /> The information in this attachment was supplied by the school <br /> district, and includes the same categories of data as those outlined <br /> above for the Orange County Schools. <br /> CON'IlHENTS: <br /> 1. These charts show that the age range for schools appears <br /> comparable In the two systems, with a similar number of buildings <br /> constructed in each decade. Thus there is no apparent discrepancy in <br /> the average age of the facilities in the two systems_ <br /> 2. The charts also show a great range in the age of existing schools <br /> within each school system. The question we need to an swer is <br /> whether all the facilities are serving our children well, regardless of <br /> age, or whether some of the older schools need significant <br /> improvements to be comparable to the newer schools. <br />