Orange County NC Website
B. SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS (CONTINUED) 7 <br /> X Grading and Erosion Control Plan <br /> X Stormwater Management Plan <br /> X_ Landscape Plan by registered Landscape Architect <br /> X Lighting Plan showing #, size, placement, appearance, and coverage pattems of all fixtures <br /> Sign Plan showing #, size, placement, and appearance of all signs <br /> N/A Hazardous Materials Management Plan (Material Safety Data Sheet and Tier Two Form) <br /> Solid Waste Management Plan <br /> y Projected water consumption rates with documented data <br /> Approval by utility providers (resolution or agreements) <br /> X Calculations for Site Volume Ratio including Building Volume, Impervious Surface, Floor Area, and <br /> Landscape Volume (see sample calculation sheet following Application Form) <br /> N A FCC permit, if required for electrical disturbance <br /> N/A Air Quality permit, or notice from EMC that permit not required <br /> X Minimum of two drawings of sections through the entire site showing existing and proposed grades and <br /> the relationship of buildings and site features <br /> Trip generation estimate with Traffic Impact analysis for 800+ trips per day <br /> Architectural Submittal Requirements: <br /> X _ Building Construction Plans <br /> Elevation of each facade of principal structures, and one elevation per accessory structure <br /> Documentation of existing character of the surrounding area and statement of how the proposal <br /> improves on or incorporates surrounding neighborhood qualities <br /> Schedule of exterior materials and finishes <br /> Site Plan specifications:. <br /> All site plans must be prepared by a registered engineer, landscape architect, architect, or land surveyor. See <br /> Article 14 of the Zoning Ordinance for exceptions. <br /> X Scale adequate to show required detail <br /> Y_ Boundary of the lot(s) to be developed labeled with bearings and distances <br /> X Name, address, and phone number of applicant and property owner <br /> X Name of project, vicinity map, north arrow, scale, tax map reference number,date of plan preparation <br /> and revision dates <br /> X Adjacent right-of-way widths, road names and numbers <br /> X Site Volume Ratio, Building Volume, Landscape Volume <br /> X Maximum and proposed impervious surface <br /> v/A Streams, ponds, drainage swales, stream corridors(buffers), swamps, floodplain and floodway <br /> boundaries <br /> X Land use buffers, front, side and rear building setbacks <br /> X Existing and proposed contour lines at 5-foot intervals, 2-foot intervals acceptable <br /> X Existing and proposed buildings and structures labeled according to floor area, building height and <br /> function, finished floor elevation <br /> X Vehicular use areas including streets,driveways, parking and loading areas <br /> Overhead and underground utilities with accompanying easements including storm drainage facilities <br /> Y _ Solid waste collection and recycling facilities <br /> X Free-standing and wall mounted signs as per Sign Plan <br />