Orange County NC Website
8 <br /> and expenses (a simple, one-page We encourage grant applicants to call us <br /> format is sufficient) with questions and are happy to answer <br /> • A complete copy of your most recent them and provide more information by <br /> IRS Form 990 — please do not phone. Applicants whose proposals are <br /> substitute audited financial statements still being considered after initial screening <br /> (not applicable to government agencies will receive a site visit from a member of <br /> and religious congregations) the Foundation's Distributions Committee <br /> • IRS tax determination letter or other or staff; the site visit will allow a more in- <br /> proof of tax-exempt status (not depth appraisal of your proposal. <br /> applicable to government agencies and <br /> religious congregations) 10. When will I be notified regarding my <br /> grant application? <br /> In the interest of fairness and consistency, <br /> additional attachments beyond those All applicants for the February 1st grant <br /> requested will be discarded. Letters of deadline will be notified by June 15 <br /> support are neither necessary nor allowed; regarding their grant application. Grant <br /> information of this nature should be funds will not be available before July 15th <br /> incorporated into your narrative. for the Spring cycle; therefore, the project <br /> or portion of the project for which <br /> For your convenience, the grant application Foundation funding is requested should <br /> can be put on a diskette in Word for begin no earlier than July 15th. Likewise, <br /> Windows format. Please send a blank 3.5" all applicants for the August 1st grant <br /> IBM-compatible diskette and self-addressed deadline will be notified by December 1st: <br /> stamped envelope or arrange to come by grant funds will not be available before <br /> the office with a blank diskette. In January 15th of the following year, so the <br /> addition, you may download the application project or portion of the project for which <br /> from our website at, or Foundation funding is requested should <br /> we may be able to send the form via e- begin no earlier than January 15th. <br /> mail; write to jan @trianglecforg. <br /> 11. How are decisions made regarding the <br /> Please send completed grant application proposals? <br /> package to: <br /> Grants are selected by the Foundation's <br /> Polly Guthrie, Program Director Distributions Committee, subject to final <br /> Triangle Community Foundation approval from the Foundation's Board of <br /> Fall 1997 Grants Cycle Directors. The Distributions Committee is <br /> P.O. Box 12834 comprised of fourteen members from <br /> Research Triangle Park NC 27709 Wake, Durham, Orange, and Chatham <br /> Counties, and a Chairperson who is a <br /> 9. Should I set up a meeting with a member member of the Board of Directors of the <br /> of your staff or Distributions Committee Triangle Community Foundation. <br /> to tell you more about my proposal? <br /> What other services does the Community Foundation offer to area nonprofit agencies? <br /> The Triangle Community Foundation has been managing endowments for the benefit of other nonprofit <br /> groups in the community since its inception in 1983 and considers the careful stewardship of agency <br /> endowments to be an integral part of its mission of expanding the charitable resources of the <br /> community. Agency endowments in the Triangle Community Foundation get greater diversification, <br /> greater protection against fluctuation, and lower fees than if the endowments were invested separately. <br /> In addition, the Foundation publicizes the endowment, provides technical assistance in endowment- <br /> building, and handles accounting, tax filing and audit for the endowment fund. Please call Fred Stang, <br /> Associate Director, at(919) 549-9840 for further information on agency endowments. <br /> Triangle Community Foundation Page 3 of 5 Information on Grants <br />