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7 <br /> 5. How often may I apply for a grant from The organization's capacity to <br /> the Community Foundation and how undertake the proposed project, <br /> many proposals may I submit? including qualifications of the personnel <br /> involved (i.e., why your organization is <br /> The Foundation has two grant cycles per in a position to succeed with this <br /> year — application postmark deadlines are project) <br /> February 1st and August 1st (or, if these The specific objectives the project <br /> days fall on a weekend, the next business hopes to accomplish, in measurable <br /> day). We recommend submitting only one terms if possible (for example, number <br /> proposal per cycle. Organizations of people served) <br /> receiving funding are asked to skip (at • The relationship of the proposed project <br /> least) one cycle before reapplying. to other programs in the community <br /> Organizations whose proposals are not designed to meet the same or similar <br /> recommended for funding may reapply needs or opportunities <br /> during the next funding cycle. • Funds already committed for the <br /> project and their source, as well as <br /> 6. How do I apply to receive a grant? other sources being approached <br /> • How future funding will be obtained, if <br /> To apply for a grant, complete the the project will be an ongoing one <br /> Foundation's Grant Application form and • How you intend to evaluate progress <br /> write a three-page narrative describing the toward your stated goals and objectives <br /> project. All agencies on the Triangle <br /> Community Foundation's mailing list (over S. What attachments should I send in with <br /> 2000) are mailed a copy of the grant my application and narrative? <br /> application approximately two months <br /> before each deadline. If you would like to Because members of the Foundation's <br /> be added to the mailing list or are unsure if Distributions Committee and staff review <br /> you are on it, call (919) 549-9840 or email each proposal, please submit six collated <br /> In addition, you may co ies of the following: <br /> download the application (in Word 6.0) <br /> from our website at www.trianglecf org. A completed copy of the application <br /> form, signed by the Chief Officer of <br /> 7. Wbat information should I include in my the Board (attach to the top of each <br /> narrative? packet) <br /> • The narrative proposal, not to exceed <br /> The narrative part of the grant application three single-sided pages (single spacing <br /> should address in three pages of no less is permissible; less than 12 point font is <br /> than 12-point font the following: not <br /> • A list of Board members with their <br /> • The community need or opportunity the professional or community affiliations <br /> proposed activity is intended to • A one-page, line-item budget for the <br /> address. If possible, provide evidence entire amount needed for proposed <br /> for this need or opportunity in project (not just the portion requested <br /> measurable terms from the Community Foundation), <br /> • The ways in which the project will including both anticipated income and <br /> address this need or opportunity (for an expenses (please be as specific as <br /> existing . "project of excellence," possible); include a list of other <br /> describe the impact of this program in requests for funding, including those <br /> the community, including statistics or pending or approved <br /> other relevant information) <br /> • A description of the project to be Your proposal should also include one copy <br /> undertaken and the amount of funding of the following attachments: <br /> being requested from the Foundation <br /> • Timetable for the project Your organization's most recent overall <br /> operating budget showing both income <br /> i <br /> Triangle Community Foundation Page 2 of 5 Information on Grants <br />