Orange County NC Website
14 <br /> b. lhi4. Land dedicated for b. The acreage designated for <br /> recreation purposes shall be a recreation/open space is located in two <br /> single parcel except where it is different areas; however, both parts will <br /> determined that two (2) or more be owned by the Homeowners <br /> parcels are suited to the needs of Association. Public roads will connect <br /> a particular subdivision. The the two open space areas. <br /> Planning Board may <br /> recommend, and the Board of <br /> Commissioners may require, the <br /> dedication of a connecting path <br /> in addition to the land required <br /> in Section IV-B-7-b-2 of this <br /> ordinance. Where a connecting <br /> path is necessary, a path of up to <br /> fifty (50) feet in width may be <br /> required, but in no case shall the <br /> path be less than thirty (30) feet <br /> in width. <br /> c. Accessibility. Land dedicated c. Lot A has frontage on Beaver Valley <br /> for recreational purposes shall Drive. Lot B exceeds the minimum <br /> have at least fifty (50) feet of frontage requirements on a cul-de-sac <br /> frontage on at least one (1) street with frontage on Turkey Run East. <br /> within the subdivision. <br /> 4. Site Improvements <br /> Private recreation facilities, either The recreation/open space is suitable for <br /> required or provided at the option of passive recreation (walking, nature study <br /> the applicant, shall meet the photography, etc.) It also serves as a <br /> standards for improvements: buffer for the streams through lots A and <br /> B. Active recreation is not proposed. <br /> Park bench, picnic tables, grills and <br /> trash receptacles. <br /> One (1) picnic table per 50 <br /> residents, 50 sq. ft. of land per <br /> table. <br /> In addition to land provided or <br /> dedicated for active recreation <br /> purposes, sufficient area shall be <br /> provided to make available a <br /> minimum of five (5) off-street <br /> parking spaces for the first two (2) <br /> acres of each recreation site and one <br /> (1) space for each additional acre <br /> thereafter. <br />