Orange County NC Website
Ap;Jucarlon: ruDliie .-icnoot isuiiainD capital r una Exhibit 2 <br /> Approved: 3 <br /> Date: <br /> County Orange County Contact Person: Sally Kost <br /> Address: P O. BOX 8181 Title: Budget Director <br /> Hilisborou&h.NC 27278 Phone: (919) 732-8181 ext.2151 <br /> School Admin. Unit: Chapel Hill/Carrboro Citv Schools <br /> Project Title: East Chapel Hill High School <br /> Location: Chapel Hill,NC <br /> Type Of Facility": High School - New Facility <br /> (3S I 5C•546 2;b, A-lontcs to the Fund shall be used for capital outlay projects including the planning, construction, <br /> recons:ruction. enlargement, improvemenr, repair or renovation of public school buildings and for the purchase of land, for public <br /> school buildings as used in this section. 'public school buildings' only include facilities for individual schools that are used for <br /> instructional and related purposes and does not include centralized.administration,maintenance or other facilities." <br /> Short Description Of Construction Project: <br /> Construction of a new high school for the Chapel Hi1UCarrboro City Schools located on Weaver <br /> Dairy Road, Chapel Hill. <br /> Estimated Costs: State Local Total <br /> Purchase of Land 1 , 850 , 000 $ 1'850 , 000 <br /> Planning <br /> 1 617 359 1 , 617 , 359 <br /> Construction $315 ,465 18 :344 : 773 18 , 660 , 238 <br /> XA9APX�CiX9p Media Collection An <br /> x>fc4 AWX*Rbc Moveable Furniture 160 , 500 160 , 500 <br /> 779 , 551 779 , 551 <br /> Repair <br /> Total $315.465 <br /> $22 , 752 , 183 $23 , 067 , 648 <br /> Bid Dates/Vendors. <br /> Contracts Signed/Dates: Jan . 3 , 1995 <br /> Estimated date of beginning of Construction January 1995 <br /> Estimated date of completion July 1997 (s " te work remain ' n <br /> :MATCH: The Match funds of one dollar of local funds for every three dollars of State funds are from(source): Sales Tax <br /> and from impact fee revenu 597 f the matching funds have been expended for date/description: <br /> 1)Pianning $1 , 617 , 359 <br /> 2)Construction 18 , 190 , 064 <br /> 3 X4dM Xt*dW Other <br /> Total <br /> REPORTING REQUIREMENTS: We, the undersigned,agree to submit a statement of local/state amounts expended for each <br /> project in each local school administrative unit quarterly. The County Commissioners and the:Board of Education do hereby <br /> ointl} request appro%al of the above project and release of $315.465 from the Public School Building Capital Fund. We <br /> cemfi that the Project herein described is within the parameters of 115c-546.2(b)and that all of the match is available and <br /> designated as match for this project. <br /> (signature-Chair.County Commissioners) (date) (signature-Chair,Board o Education) (date) <br />