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1 <br /> ORANGECOUNTY <br /> BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br /> ACTION AGENDA ITEM ABSTRACT <br /> Meeting Date: September 21, 1997 <br /> Action Agenda <br /> Item # /0_d <br /> SUBJECT: Report on Town of Chapel Hill Energy Policy and Energy Ordinance/Resolution <br /> DEPARTMENT: County Manager PUBLIC HEARING: Yes No <br /> ATTACHMENT(S): BUDGET AMENDMENT: Yes No <br /> County Engineer's report INFORMATION CONTACT: <br /> Chapel Hill Energy Policy County Engineer Extension 2303 <br /> Draft Chapel Hill Energy Ordinance <br /> Draft Chapel Hill Energy Resolution TELEPHONE NUMBERS: <br /> Hillsborough - 732-8181 <br /> Durham - 688-7331 <br /> Mebane - 227-2031 <br /> Chapel Hill - 967-9251/968-4501 <br /> PURPOSE: To present the Town of Chapel Hill's adopted and proposed energy policy and procedures <br /> to the BOCC for its review and consideration for use as a potential guide for developing <br /> County and Board of Education policies and procedures that will assure energy efficient <br /> design and construction in new or renovation building construction funded by the County. <br /> BACKGROUND: The Chapel Hill Citizens' Energy Task Force was created by the Chapel Hill Town <br /> Council in February 1992. It was initially charged with preparing a specific plan to <br /> upgrade Town buildings with energy efficient lighting. The task force was also <br /> charged with making other recommendations to the Council with regard to other <br /> measures that could produce energy savings. In September 1995, the task force <br /> recommended that the Town adopt a proposed Town Energy Policy applicable to <br /> all new and existing Town buildings. The proposed policy was referred to the Town <br /> Manager and staff for review. During the time period between September 1995 and <br /> January 1997, the task force and Town staff worked to reach a consensus on a <br /> recommendation for the Energy Policy. The policy document resulting from this <br /> consensus was presented to the Chapel Hill Town Council on March 3, 1997, and <br /> was adopted. <br /> Concurrently with the development and presentation of the Energy Policy, the <br /> Energy Task Force was working to develop an Energy Conservation Ordinance. The <br /> purpose of the ordinance was to ensure that buildings built or substantially renovated <br /> by the Town itself would be built in the most environmentally sound manner and <br />