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42 APPENDIX 5. •42 <br /> Table 1: Examples of Proposed Living Wage Legislation . <br /> City or State Route to Description of Measure Status <br /> Enactment <br /> Albuquerque Ballot Initiative Raise ntiaimuaa wage to Gathered required signatures;waiting to <br /> S6.50/hour qualify for December special election <br /> Bostort Legislative Require city contractors and Possible introduction of city council <br /> subsidized businesses to pay ordinance by the and of the year. <br /> S7.49Aww and hire from the <br /> coraaauturf <br /> Chicago Legislative Require city contractors and Ordinance introduced to city council in Ma-_ <br /> subsidized businesses to pay 1996 <br /> S7.60/hour and hire from the <br /> community <br /> Deaver Ballot Initiative Raise minimum wage to Supporters gathered required signatures to <br /> S6.50/hour in 1997;S6.85/hour in qualify for the November 1996 ballot. <br /> 1998;S7.15/hour in 1999;indexed <br /> to cost of living thereafter <br /> Houston Ballot Initiative Raise minimum wage to Will begin gathering signatures is Fall for <br /> $6.5OAxR r city wide January 1997 ballot. <br /> Los Angeles Legislative Require city contractors and Possible council vote Fall 19% <br /> subsidized businesses to pay <br /> S7:50Awua plus family health <br /> benefits or$9.50/hour without <br /> benefits <br /> Minneapolis/ LegisLtive Joint Twin Cities Task Force is Possible introduction of proposed ordinance <br /> St.Paul drafting living wage policies for by the end of the year, public hearing <br /> city contractors and subsidized expected in the fall. <br /> businesses <br /> New Orleans Ballot Initiative Set city-wide miaimtmm wage at Supporters have gathered 14,000 <br /> S 1.00/how above the federal level signatures; 1997 timeline to be determined <br /> California Ballot Initiative Raise the star minimum wage to Supporters gathered required signatures to <br /> $5.00/hout in 1997 and._. __ qualify for the November 1996 ballot <br /> S5.75/haa in 1998 <br /> Minnesota Legislative Require state and city contractors Passed MN.House and Senate;vetoed by <br /> and subsidized businesses to pry Governor <br /> S7.2&1wur and hire from the <br /> COC=umty <br /> Montana Ballot Initiative Raise the state minimum wage to Supporters gathered required signatures to <br /> S4.75/haua in 1997;S5.25/hour in qualify for the November 1996 ballot. <br /> 1998;S5.75Axw in 1999•, <br /> S6.25/hour in 2000. <br /> Missouri Ballot Initiative Raise the stag minimum wage to Supporters gathered required signatures to <br /> $6.25/hour in 1997;$6.50/hour in qualify for the November 19%ballot. <br /> 1998;S6.75/hour in 1999;and <br /> increase S.15 each year thereafter <br /> Oregon Ballot Initiative Raise the state minimum wage Supporters gathered required signatures to <br /> from S4.75 to S6.50/hour over qualify for the November 1996 ballot. <br /> three Years. <br /> 3 <br />