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24 =24 <br /> APPENDIX 2. <br /> LIVING WAGE UPDATE <br /> PREPARED BY WORKER OPTIONS RESOURCE CENTER <br /> MARCH 1997 <br /> LIVING WAGE LEGISLATIVE CAMPAIGNS <br /> State of Maryland Living Wage Pilot Contract for cleaning state- Announced 7/25/96. <br /> Program owned World Trade Center Possible future expansion <br /> requires payment of living to other state contracts, <br /> wage of S6.60/hr. to depending on results of <br /> employees providing pilot. <br /> contracted service; rate <br /> rises to $7.10 in 1997 and <br /> $7.70 in 1998. <br /> Baltimore, MD City Living Wage Requires service&prof. Enacted December 1994. <br /> Ordinance(enacted) service contractors to pay $6.10 rate took effect July <br /> min. rates of 1995, $6.60, July 1996. <br /> $6.10, FY 1996 Bike to $6.10 approved by <br /> $6.60, FY 1997 Board of Estimates, 12/96, <br /> S7.10, FY 1998 to take effect July 1997. <br /> $7.70, FY 1999, subject to <br /> Bd. of Estimates approval. <br /> Includes record keeping, <br /> reporting, enforcement,& <br /> remedial 2rovisions. <br /> Boston, MA Living Wage Requires city service Ordinance not yet <br /> Ordinance(proposed) contractors& subsidized introduced;has majority <br /> businesses to pay living council support&tentative <br /> wage of$7.49/hr. mayoral support. Awaiting <br /> results of impact study, <br /> rumored to be favorable. <br /> Rally scheduled for 2/8/97, <br /> with likely introduction <br /> shortly there after. <br /> Chicago, IL Chicago Jobs&Living Requires covered service Introduced before City <br /> Wage Ordinance contractors& publicly Council in May 1996. <br /> (introduced) subsidized businesses to Mayor's opposition cost <br /> pay workers min. of some support on Council. <br /> $7.60/hr. Includes Ongoing organizing has <br /> community hiring, record increase community& <br /> keeping, reporting& political support. <br /> enforcement provisions. <br />