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APPENDIX 1. 15 <br /> w7;Z7E S . This Ordinance will also orovide_ for enforcement <br /> �h-ouch the Wace Commission and the Board Of Estimates in the <br /> same manner that the preygilina wane for const-rvction contracts <br /> are enforced *, now , therefore , <br /> SECTION 1. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF <br /> BALTIMORE, That Section(s) of the Baltimore City Code (1983 <br /> Replacement Volume, as amended) be added, repealed, or amended, <br /> 5 to read as follows: <br /> KRTICLE 1 - Mayor, City Council, and Municipal Agencies <br /> p - Contracts - Hours and Wages <br /> CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS <br /> 2 19 . Requirement-s for certain contracts with the City. <br /> 3 Each and every contract in excess of five thousand dollars <br /> ($5 , 000, 00) (hereinafter referred to [thel AS "the contract") <br /> made by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore (hereinafter <br /> ref erred to as "the City") , or on its behalf, with any person, <br /> fig or corporation for: (1) the construction, reconstruction, <br /> erection, conversion, installation, alteration, repair, <br /> maintenance, renovation, razing, demolition, moving, removing, <br /> . .grading, paving, . repaving, curbing, filling, excavation or . any <br /> other operation or work to be done •or performed in, on, upon or <br /> in connection with any building, bridge, viaduct, tuzrmel, tower, <br /> stack or other st-ructure, airport, land, highway, pier, wham, <br /> sewer, . drain, main, conduit, machinery -or mechanical,' electrical <br /> or other equipment for said municipality; <br /> contain t_'�.e f o flowing provisions: <br /> SERVICE CONTRACTS <br /> •26A. SERVICE CONTRACTS WITH THE CITY. <br /> (A) AS USED IN TF.TS HEADING THE FOLLOWING TERMS HAVE THE <br /> MEANINGS INDICATED UNLESS THE CONTEXT CLEARLY REQUIRES A <br /> DIFFERENT MEANING: <br /> (11 "INDEX" FANS TH'-r MOST RECENT AVAILABLE FIGURE <br /> S'T'ATED IN THE PnLTCATION "POVER'T'Y IN THE UNITED STA'T'ES" <br /> PUBLIS T-0 BY THE BUREAU OF THE CENSUS AND UPDATED ON A.N ANNUAL <br /> ,5, ASIS WFICH DEFINES THE NA'T'IONAL POVERTY LEVEL FOR A FAMILY OF <br /> 4 . <br /> (2) "PERSON" MEANS ANY INDIV?DUAL, BUSINESS ENTITY , <br /> CORDORATION PARTNERSHIP, JOINT VENTURE. <br /> (3) "PREVAILING MTNTMUM HOURLY WAGE RATE" MEANS THE <br /> P-A.TE ESTABLISHED BY THE BOARD OF ESTIMATE'S AS THE MINIMUM HOURLY <br /> WAGE PLATE THAT SHALL BE PAID A WORKER EMPLOYED BY A SERVICE <br /> CONTRACTOR AND PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONTRACTOR PURSUANT TO THE <br /> FORMULA SET FORTH IN SUBSECTION (H) OF THIS SECTION. <br />