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necessary. In all likelihood,land in a Commercial-Industrial Activity <br /> Node being rezoned as described would be currently zoned residential, <br /> where a golf course could be allowed with a Special Use Permit. <br /> Consequently,the Planning Staff has concluded that allowing golf <br /> courses in commercial and industrial districts would serve no useful <br /> purpose. <br /> The Planning Staff recommends approval of the proposed amendments to <br /> the Zoning Ordinance to include standards and approval procedures for <br /> golf courses. <br /> Cameron noted that there was some discussion at the public hearing <br /> regarding State law pre-empting the County from adopting additional <br /> regulations regarding pesticides. A copy of the pre-emption from the <br /> General Statutes is an attachment to these minutes on page <br /> Cameron summarized the comments from the public hearing(copy an <br /> attachment to these minutes on pages ). <br /> Cameron noted that Commissioner Gordon had asked that the Planning <br /> Board discuss whether or not golf courses should be allowed in <br /> commercial-industrial zoning districts,perhaps as a special use. The <br /> Golf CART took the approach that they were being consistent <br /> with the description of the zoning districts in Article 4. Recreational uses <br /> are not listed as appropriate uses in commercial and industrial districts <br /> while recreational uses are specifically mentioned as being appropriate in <br /> residential districts. Cameron continued that,in reality,the amount of <br /> undeveloped commercial-industrial land in the County is so limited that <br /> it will not be an obstacle to someone who proposes a golf course. <br /> Cameron noted also that golf courses are not permitted in the Economic <br /> Development Districts. <br /> Allison asked the reason for not permitting golf courses in the EDDs. <br /> Cameron responded that the intent of the EDD is to reserve land for <br /> economic development A golf course takes up considerable acreage and <br /> the EDDs are limited in area,so it was determined when EDDs were <br /> being proposed that a golf course would not be a practical use of land in <br /> an EDD. Since they are not listed in the Permitted Use Table,an <br /> ordinance amendment would be required to allow golf courses in the <br /> EDDs. <br /> Barrows asked how the County could handle violations if it was <br /> determined that a stream had been polluted by pesticides from a golf <br /> course. Cameron responded that the County could not tell the golf course <br /> owner to stop using the pesticides but would notify the appropriate State <br /> agency. The County can ask for copies of the monitoring reports but <br /> cannot carry out enforcement. <br /> Price stated that the North Carolina Pesticide Board would determine the <br /> violation and the amount of any fine. <br /> Strayhorn stated that this would be regulated the same as for farmers. <br /> Those applying the pesticides must be licensed,having taken the <br />