Orange County NC Website
3 <br /> • Assess the needs, identify and implement approaches to <br /> integrate State and County data systems such as those for <br /> Social Services, Health and Child Support Enforcement. <br /> • Integrate or, as appropriate, convert various databases from the <br /> mainframe to the desktop environment to provide for the use of <br /> desk top automation tools with these data bases. <br /> • Pursue the full and effective use of such automation tools <br /> already available as electronic mail. <br /> • Build appropriate information system interfaces with non- <br /> departmental agencies to facilitate service delivery. <br /> The Information Systems Department will continue to serve the <br /> human services department in all areas of the information systems <br /> needs, including providing direction to this position through the <br /> Human Services Automation Committee. Beyond the immediate <br /> resources proposed here, the Strategic Automation Plan will <br /> address the longer term staffing needs for information systems in <br /> the County. <br /> Recommendation: The Manager recommends the Board approve increasing the hours <br /> of the vacant permanent part time 20 hour Accounting Technician <br /> position to full time for the purpose of realigning the position as a <br /> Human Services Systems Analyst. <br /> fAeftabs.doc <br />