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Full Text of Senate Bill 799- Discipline Disclosure Act. (Public) hfp:// <br /> 26 <br /> officer's personnel file maintained by the Attorney General are subject to <br /> the same restrictions concerning disclosure as set forth in Chapt- <br /> 1 2EL, 151A. and 140A of the General Statute G.S. 132-1.5 for <br /> other personnel records. " <br /> Section 7. G.S. 115D-29 reads as rewritten: <br /> 115 115D-29. Confidential information in personnel files; access to <br /> information. <br /> All information contained in a personnel file, except as otherwise <br /> provided in this Article article or in G.S. 132-1.5, is <br /> confidential and shall not be open for inspection and examination except <br /> to the following persons: <br /> (1) The employee, applicant for employment, former <br /> employee, or his properly authorized agent, who may examine his own <br /> personnel file at all reasonable times in its entirety except for letters <br /> of reference solicited prior to employment; <br /> (2) The president and other supervisory personnel; <br /> (3) Members of the board of trustees and the board's <br /> attorney; <br /> (4) A party by authority of a subpoena or proper <br /> court order may inspect and examine a particular confidential portion of <br /> an employee's personnel file; and <br /> (5) An official of an agency of the federal <br /> government, State government or any political subdivision thereof. Such <br /> an official may inspect any personnel records when such inspection is <br /> deemed by the college of the employee, applicant, or former employee whose <br /> record is to be inspected as necessary and essential to the pursuance of a <br /> proper function of said agency; provided, however, that such information <br /> shall not be divulged for purposes of assisting in a criminal prosecution, <br /> nor for purposes of assisting in a tax investigation. <br /> Notwithstanding any other provision of this Article, any president may, in <br /> his discretion, or shall at the direction of the board of trustees, inform <br /> any person or corporation of any promotion, demotion, suspension, <br /> reinstatement, transfer, separation, dismissal, employment or <br /> nonemployment of any applicant, employee or former employee employed by or <br /> assigned to the board of trustees or whose personnel file is maintained by <br /> the board and the reasons therefor and may allow the personnel file of the <br /> person or any portion to be inspected and examined by any person or <br /> corporation provided that the board has determined that the release of the <br /> information or the inspection and examination of the file or any portion <br /> is essential to maintaining the integrity of the board or to maintaining <br /> the level or quality of services provided by the board; provided, that <br /> prior to releasing the information or making the file or any portion <br /> available as provided herein, the president shall prepare a memorandum <br /> setting forth the circumstances which he and the board deem to require the <br /> disclosure and the information to be disclosed. The memorandum shall be <br /> retained in the files of the president and shall be a public record. " <br /> Section 8. G.S. 122C-158(c) reads as rewritten: <br /> " (c) All information contained in an employee's personnel file, <br /> other than the information made public by G.S. 132-1.5, <br /> subse-ticn (h) of *bis section is confidential and is open to <br /> inspection only in the following instances: <br /> (1) The employee or an authorized agent may examine <br /> portions of his personnel file except (i) letters of reference solicited <br /> before employment, and (ii) information concerning a medical disability, <br /> mental or physical, that a prudent physician would not divulge to a <br /> patient. <br /> 4 of 8 05/15/97 09:08:34 <br />