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Full Text of Senate Bill 799- Discipline Disclosure Act. (Public) <br /> 25 <br /> (3) Members of the local board of education and the <br /> board's attorney; <br /> (4) A party by authority of a subpoena or proper <br /> court order may inspect and examine a particular confidential portion of <br /> an employee's personnel file. <br /> Notwithstanding any other provision of this Chapter, any superintendent <br /> may, in his discretion, or shall at the direction of the Board of <br /> Education, inform any person or corporation of any promotion, demotion, <br /> suspension, reinstatement, transfer, separation, dismissal, employment or <br /> nonemployment of any applicant, employee or former employee employed by or <br /> assigned to the local board of education or whose personnel file is <br /> maintained by the board and the reasons therefor and may allow the <br /> personnel file of the person or any portion to be inspected and examined <br /> by any person or corporation provided that the board has determined that <br /> the release of the information or the inspection and examination of the <br /> file or any portion is essential to maintaining the integrity of the board <br /> or to maintaining the level or quality of services provided by the board; <br /> provided, that prior to releasing the information or making the file or <br /> any portion available as provided herein, the superintendent shall prepare <br /> a memorandum setting forth the circumstances which he and the board deem <br /> to require the disclosure and the information to be disclosed. The <br /> memorandum shall be retained in the files of the superintendent and shall <br /> be a public record. " <br /> Section 4. G.S. 115C-325 (b) reads as rewritten: <br /> " (b) Personnel Files. -- The superintendent shall maintain in his <br /> office a personnel file for each teacher that contains any complaint, <br /> commendation, or suggestion for correction or improvement about the <br /> teacher's professional conduct, except that the superintendent may elect <br /> not to place in a teacher's file (i) a letter of complaint that contains <br /> invalid, irrelevant, outdated, or false information or (ii) a letter of <br /> complaint when there is no documentation of an attempt to resolve the <br /> issue. The complaint, commendation, or suggestion shall be signed by the <br /> person who makes it and shall be placed in the teacher's file only after <br /> five days' notice to the teacher. Any denial or explanation relating to <br /> such complaint, commendation, or suggestion that the teacher desires to <br /> make shall be placed in the file. Any teacher may petition the local board <br /> of education to remove any information from his personnel file that he <br /> deems invalid, irrelevant, or outdated. The board may order the <br /> superintendent to remove said information if it finds the information is <br /> invalid, irrelevant, or outdated. <br /> The personnel file shall be open for the teacher's inspection at <br /> all reasonable times but shall be open to other pe=scLs onl}r in <br /> ar+_prrlanr+o Tai th c—ch >: J es and�gy,l at i nns ac th° },^ar� ZC3Ll=tc 'Any <br /> ra'emp.1.Ltj=aaant dni-a nr nthor in,£n,rmatinn nht-mined =I-Ne-mt a tPan}acr hefnro <br /> hi c em,=l o;anent ,]37T tho hr+arri mal. he leept- in a fi l u cEapa�te £rnm lhi c <br /> =orcnnnol <br /> file anA rnocA ant maAo ava i 1 ahl o to hi m Mnriiat-a�nlze�ed in <br /> the—greempinJrment fi l o maIr be introduced aS c-tri ronnc at a ho=—ring nn the <br /> dismissal or dsmntinn n£ a toar•hor the public only as provided for <br /> in G.S. 132-1.5. " <br /> Section 5. G.S. 17C-7(c) reads as rewritten: <br /> " (c) Any papers, documents, or other records which become the <br /> property of the Commission that are placed in the criminal justice <br /> officer's personnel file maintained by the Commission shall be subject to <br /> the same disclosure requirements as set forth in Chapters 126, 1531 , <br /> And 190n of the General G.S. 132-1.5 regarding the <br /> privacy of personnel records. " <br /> Section 6. G.S. 74E-5 (b) reads as rewritten: <br /> " (b) Any papers, documents, or other records that become the <br /> property of the Company Police Program and are placed in a company police <br /> 3 of 8 05/15/97 09:08:34 <br />