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Full Text of Senate Bill 799-Discipline Disclosure Act. (Public) h'7°°',41.html <br /> 24 <br /> employee's personnel record a written summary of the serious disciplinary <br /> action imposed on the public employee, including the circumstances that <br /> led to the disciplinary action, the nature of the disciplinary action <br /> taken, and the effective dates of the disciplinary action. <br /> (d) Information identifying the public employee who provides <br /> information confidentially to persons investigating whether to bring a <br /> disciplinary action against another public employee is not a public <br /> record. <br /> (e) All records related to official commendations or awards <br /> bestowed upon public employees are public records; provided, however, that <br /> such records may be withheld from public inspection until the commendation <br /> or award has been received by or bestowed upon the public employee. <br /> (f) Once two serious disciplinary actions have been imposed on <br /> a public employee within a three-year period, all records of that public <br /> employee's performance, including evaluations or appraisals, are public <br /> records. <br /> (g) Subject only to rules and regulations for the safekeeping <br /> of the records, adopted by the appropriate oversight body, every person <br /> having custody of personnel records that are public records under this <br /> section shall permit them to be inspected and examined during regular <br /> business hours. Any person who is denied access to any such record for <br /> the purpose of inspecting, examining, or copying the same shall have a <br /> right to compel compliance with the provisions of this section by <br /> application to a court of competent jurisdiction for a writ of mandamus or <br /> other appropriate relief. <br /> (h) Any person employed by a public agency acting in good <br /> faith to comply with the disclosure requirements of this section is not <br /> subject to liability. <br /> (i) Any public employee may waive the confidentiality of the <br /> employee's personnel file by making a written request that the information <br /> in the file, or the records obtained as a result of an investigation of <br /> the employee, be made public. <br /> (j) For purposes of this section, -public employee' shall mean <br /> any employee, former employee, or applicant for employment by any <br /> department, agency, institution, commission, or bureau of the State of <br /> North Carolina, any employee of The University of North Carolina or its <br /> constituent institutions, any public hospital employee, or any employee of <br /> any county or municipality, local board of education, or area mental <br /> health authority. For the purposes of this section 'public employer' <br /> shall mean any governmental entity employing a public employee." <br /> Section 2. G.S. 115C-319, 115C-320, 115D-27, 115D-28, <br /> 122C-158 (a) , 122C-158(b) , 126-23, 153A-98(a) , 153A-98(b) , 160A-168(a) , <br /> 160A-168 (b) , 162A-6.1(a) and 162A-6.1(b) are repealed. <br /> Section 3. G.S. 115C-321 reads as rewritten: <br /> 115 115C-321. Confidential information in personnel files; access <br /> to information. <br /> All information contained in a personnel file, except as otherwise <br /> provided in G.S. 132-1.5 or in this Chapter, is confidential and <br /> shall not be open for inspection and examination except to the following <br /> persons: <br /> (1) The employee, applicant for employment, former <br /> employee, or his properly authorized agent, who may examine his own <br /> personnel file at all reasonable times in its entirety except for letters <br /> of reference solicited prior to employment; <br /> (2) The superintendent and other supervisory <br /> personnel; <br /> 2 of 8 05/15/97 09:08:34 <br />