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Full Text of Senate Bill 799-Discipline Disclosure Act. (Public) hftp:/ - " ''.htmi <br /> 23 <br /> GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF NORTH CAROLINA <br /> SESSION 1997 <br /> S3 <br /> SENATE BILL 799 <br /> Judiciary Committee Substitute Adopted 4/30/97 <br /> Third Edition Engrossed 5/1/97 <br /> Short Title: Discipline Disclosure Act. (Public) <br /> Sponsors: <br /> Referred to: <br /> April 10, 1997 <br /> A BILL TO BE ENTITLED <br /> AN ACT TO BRING MORE OPENNESS TO THE PERFORMANCE OF PUBLIC <br /> EMPLOYEES BY PROVIDING GREATER ACCESS TO PERSONNEL RECORDS. <br /> Additional Information Available on: <br /> Section 1. Article 1 of Chapter 132 of the General <br /> Statutes is amended by adding a new section to read: <br /> "g 132-1.5. Public employee's personnel records. <br /> (a) Each department, agency, institution, commission, bureau <br /> of the State of North Carolina, The University of North Carolina and its <br /> constituent institutions, public hospital, county, municipality, local <br /> board of education and area mental health authority shall maintain a <br /> record of each of its employees, showing the following information with <br /> respect to each such public employee: name, age, date of original <br /> employment or appointment to the service, current position, title, current <br /> salary, date and amount of most recent increase or decrease in salary, <br /> date of most recent promotion, demotion, transfer, suspension, separation, <br /> or other change in position classification, and the office or station to <br /> which the public employee is currently assigned. Such information is a <br /> public record. <br /> (b) Information contained in a public employees personnel <br /> record that demonstrates the employee's qualifications for the position <br /> held by a public employee is a public record. Such information includes, <br /> but is not limited to, educational degrees, previous employment <br /> experience, and the dates the public employee held previous relevant <br /> employment and dates of military service and highest rank attained. <br /> Letters of recommendation written on or after January 1, 1998 are public <br /> records so long as the person who writes the recommendation does not <br /> object in writing to public disclosure of the letter of recommendation. <br /> The use of the word 'confidential ' on a letter of recommendation will <br /> suffice to keep said letter confidential. <br /> (c) Records related to serious disciplinary actions imposed on <br /> a public employee are public records after the disciplinary determination <br /> by the public employer is final and all rights to administrative appeal by <br /> the public employee have been exhausted or waived. As used in this <br /> Article, serious disciplinary actions are dismissal, demotion, or <br /> suspension. At a minimum, every supervisor shall place in the public <br /> 1 of 8 05/15/97 09:08:34 <br />